摘要: 对花键轴间隙测控系统的设计原理以及结合比例极限分析法在花键轴角度间隙分析中的应用进行研究,从快速、精确的角度出发,论述花键轴间隙测控系统的总体设计方案、软件系统构成的特点以及关键算法。
Abstract: The paper presents the design principle of clearance measurement and control system of spline shaft and the application of proportional limit analysis method in spline shaft angle gap analysis,汽车传动轴 and discusses the total design scheme, constitute features and key algorithms of software system of clearance measurement and control system of spline shaft.
关键词: 花键轴;弹性模量;间隙
Key words: spline shaft;elastic modulus;clearance
中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2013)14-0042-02
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