There is a popular view, often seen or heard in the media, that the French economy is somehow vastly different in its operation from other modern economies. France is even sometimes depicted as a something close to a rogue economy, where workers are constantly on strike, businesses are held hostage to all powerful unions, and free enterprise is virtually impossible.
 Like most myths, the rogue economy myth - largely perpetrated by people with an axe to grind, or by outside commentators who have never set foot in the country - has only a little grounding in reality; but like all myths it is a caricature where weaknesses are blown out of all proportion, and strengths swept under the carpet.  For all its weaknesses - and its strengths - the French economy is alive and well, and performing above average in G20 terms.
像大多数的神话一样,流氓经济神话 - 人们在很大程度上与犯下别有用心,或者谁从来没有涉足国外的评论家 - 只有在现实一点接地;但像所有的神话是掩盖住一个讽刺的弱点在哪里吹完全不成比例,和长处。对于所有的弱点 - 和它的强项 - 法国经济是活得很好,并且在G20方面的表现高于平均水平。
Like all developed economies, France has suffered since 2007 from the effects of the global recession; but the effects in France have been partly cushioned by a more cautious banking and investment sector, and by a tradition of state intervention in the economy. In addition, France is world-leader when it comes to the proportion of the labour force working in public sector jobs: 25% in 2005 - few of whom were affected by the economic downturn.
    像所有的发达经济体,法国自2007年以来从全球经济衰退的影响,遭受;但在法​​国的影响已经通过了更为谨慎的银行和投资界被部分缓冲,并通过国家干预经济的传统。此外,法国是世界领先的,当涉及到劳动力在公共部门就业工作的比例:25%,2005年 - 其中一些人受经济衰退。
Perceived strengths of the French economy
In many sectors, the French economy is among the strongest in the world. France is among the leading industrial economies in the automotive, aerospace, and railways sectors, as well as in cosmetics, luxury goods, insurance, pharmaceuticals, telecoms, power generation, defence, agriculture and hospitality. France is also the world's leading tourist destination    在许多领域,法国经济是世界上最强的之一。法国是在汽车,航空航天工业主要经济体之间,和铁路部门,以及在化妆品,奢侈品,保险,医药,电信,电力,国防,农业和好客。法国也是世界著名的旅游胜地。
 Regarding its labor market, France has one of the highest levels of graduates, and the highest number of science graduates per 1000 workers of any European country.
In the years following the second world war, the French economy developed massively from a largely agrarian economy with over 40% of the population still living on the land, into a modern industrial economy with world-class coprorations and business leaders.  In the years 1945 - 1975, known as "les trente glorieuses", the French economy grew by an average of 4.1% in terms of GDP per inhabitant, far faster than the USA or the UK though slower than Germany or Japan. The French state - which for most of this time was in the hands of Conservatives - played an active role through the establishment of a series of four year plans (Contrats de plan), whereby the state set economic targets and economic priorities, but left it up to private enterprise to achieve or apply them. For example, the rapid development of the French motorway system was achieved (and is still being achieved) by public investment offset by the sale of long-term concessions to private or semi-private companies to operate and maintain them.
国和英国虽然比德国或日本更慢的速度方面平均增长4.1%。法国国家 - 这对于大部分时间是在保守派手中 - 通过建立一系列的四个五年计划(Contrats德计划),从而使该国设定的经济目标和经济优先事项方面发挥了积极作用,但离开它到民营企业实现或应用它们。例如,法国的高速公路系统的快速发展达到了(并仍在实现)的公共投资通过出售长期优惠的私人或半私人公司操作和维护他们所抵消。
    Between 1945 and 1986, political leaders from de Gaulle (a conservative) to Mitterrand (a socialist) embarked on policies of nationalisation and state intervention. 
     For de Gaulle, nationalisation was seen as a tool of economic development, guaranteeing a stable environment for key sectors of the French economy, but also ensuring support from his opponents on the left.  Car-maker Renault was nationalised by de Gaulle in 1945 as much to help it recover from the war, as to placate the Communist opposition and the unions.
     For Mitterrand, nationalisation was ideological. During his first presidency, from 1981, Mitterrand initiated a series of nationalisations in a range of different sectors, including banking, insurance and pharmaceuticals. However, for his second presidency, he advocated the famous "ni-ni" doctrine (the neither nor doctrine), proposing neither nationalisation nor privatisation. In actual fact, this was a way of admitting the failure of his previous policy; during Mitterand's second presidency, France embarked on a wholescale policy of privatisation, which continued during the Chirac presidency, reaching its peak under the government of socialist prime minister Lionel Jospin.雷诺汽车是哪个国家的
     Yet beyond the issue of nationalisation or privatisation, the French state has maintained an above-average ability to intervene in economic affairs, remaining a major shareholder in utilities such as EDF where it has a majority holding, or France Telecom (Orange), in which it has a 27% holding.