论文题目  汽车混流装配线的排产优化
姓    名     梁 荣 欢   
系    别     管理 系   
专    业   工 业 工 程   
班    别  工业工程082   
指导教师     何    恒     
日    期 2012年4月3日 
代步汽车摘  要
Many kinds of small batch mixed flow production can fast flexibility to organize production of specific products, response to changing market needs. This new production model has been more and more large car manufacturing enterprise used, But the related production scheduling problems are also increasingly become the research focus.
This paper summarizes the domestic and foreign cars mixed flow production application status and mixed flow assembly line production of the sort to improve production efficiency optimization of the great significance, introduces the domestic and foreign research status and project can be used to solve this topic, the basic principle of genetic algorithms and operation procedures. Through the study of a “YuXin FangCheng LiuZhou” margin of mixed flow mode of production, find optimization can reduce production order at present are found in different assembly location imbalance working load in dark light stop line frequency phenomenon. This phenomenon for mixed flow on th
e assembly line for different product assembly process and assembly time different and hard to avoid, and cause certain waste. This paper work load equilibrium production in order to target a mathematical model is set up,and the use of genetic algorithms in the mathematical model for calculating.
This paper according to the above writing MATLAB genetic algorithm,through the calculation examples show that the proposed algorithm is and the feasibility of MATLAB. Liuzhou margin FangCheng letter with three class car inner decoration assembly workshop examples of application of research, through to the mixed flow line type of order, in theory to prove the production scheduling method can effectively reduce the production cost, for enterprise to bring in revenue last on the basis of summing up,proposed to the many kinds of mixed flow production scheduling system outlook
Keywords: carassembly line MATLAB、 variety of batch mixed flow production   genetic algorithm、  Put into production order