第19卷第5期2019年10月交 通 工 程 Vol.19No.5Oct.2019DOI:10.13986/jki.jote.2019.05.013
李晓庆,刘 奇,李炳林,张平升
(长沙市规划勘测设计研究院,长沙 410007)
摘 要:在梳理和总结国内外智能网联汽车测试开放道路经验的基础上,提出测试开放道路四大选线原则,并构建面向智能网联汽车测试开放道路的交通综合复杂度评价指标体系,对测试道路进行定量分级,进而提出差异化的车辆开放要求和测试时间要求,在满足智能网联汽车测试需求的同时,尽可能保障测试道路的交通安全,对各城市开展智能网联汽车测试开放道路相关工作具有借鉴意义.
中图分类号:U 467.5文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096⁃3432(2019)05⁃74⁃05
Research on Selection and Classification of Intelligent Connected Vehicle Public Testing Roads
LI Xiaoqing,LIU Qi,LI Binglin,ZHANG Pingsheng (Changsha Planing &Design Survery Research Institute,Changsha 410007,China)
长沙汽车网Abstract :Based on the experience of the domestic and international intelligent connected vehicle public road testing,this paper proposes four principles for public testing roads.This paper constructs a comprehensive traffic complexity evaluation index system for the intelligent connected vehicle public testing road that can be used to quantitatively classify the roads based on test difficulty,and then proposes differentiated vehicle capability requirements and testing time requirements.In this way,we can ensure the traffic safety of the public testing roads as much as possible while satisfying the needs of intelligent networked vehicle testing.The research has significant reference value for the related work of intelligent connected vehicle public testing road in various cities.Key words :intelligent connected vehicle;public testing road;road selection principle;road classification;comprehensive traffic complexity
收稿日期:2019⁃04⁃26.作者简介:李晓庆(1991 ),女,硕士,工程师,研究方向为交通规划,E⁃mail:1156273942@qq.0 引言
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