转向器基本原理介绍Fundamental Principles of Steering Gear 目录Contents
一、汽车液压动力转向系统的组成I . Hydraulic power steering system
二、循环球动力转向器基本原理II . Recirculating Ball Steering Gear
三、齿轮齿条转向器基本原理III .R&P Power Steering Gear
四、转向系统发展的先进技术IV . Advanced Technology of Steering System
五、我厂的技术优势及特点V . Our Advantages for developing Technology
六、先进驾驶辅助系统ADAS Advanced Driver Assistant System
汽车液压转向系统的组成Hydraulic Power Steering System
汽车转向系统的组成Steering System
Basic capability of vehicle is to run, turn or stop. Turning device assumes this responsibility.
机械转向系统Manual Steering Gear 动力转向系统Power Steering Gear
汽车液压动力转向系统的组成Hydraulic Power Steering System
方向盘及管柱、中间轴Steering Wheel, Column and Intermediate Shaft
转向器及摇臂Steering Gear and Pitman Arm 油泵Pump 油罐Reservoir 油管Pipe
支架及其它附件Bracket and Other Accessories 拉杆系统Linkage 主销及车轮Pin and Wheels
1-方向盘Steering Wheel 2-中间传动轴Intermediate Shaft 3-进油管Inlet Pipe
4-回油管Outlet Pipe 5-油罐Reservoir 6-油泵Pump 7-转向器Steering Gear
8-摇臂Pitman Arm 泵与油管组件Pump and Pipe Assembly 油泵Pump
高、低压油管High and low Pressure Pipes 油箱Reservoir 回油管Outlet Pipe 油泵Pump
循环油管Recycle Pipes 进油管Inlet Pipe R&P式油压动力转向器R&P Power Steering Gear
转阀式循环球动力转向器基本原理Recirculating Ball Power Steering Gear
转阀式动力转向器简介General Overview
转向器是构成汽车转向系统的主要部件之一,由于特殊的作用,在性能和可靠性方面要求苛刻。Steering gear is an important part for steering system.Based on its special crucial function, rigorous limits are required in the field of performance and reliability.
保证汽车能按驾驶员的意识进行转向行驶。Make sure vehicle to drive and turn as driver controls.
转阀式动力转向器简介General Overview
一、转向器的主要分类I .Classification
按阀的形式分1、转阀式动力转向器Rotary Valve Power Steering Gear
Type of Valve 2、滑阀式动力转向器Slide Valve Power Steering Gear
3、板阀式动力转向器Board Valve Power Steering Gear
按助力方式分1、机械转向器Manual Steering Gear
Assistant Mode2、液压助力转向器Hysteristic Power Steering Gear
3、电动助力转向器Electronic Power System(EPS)
按结构进行分类:Classified as structure 转向器分类Classification
循环球动力转向器Recirculating Power Steering Gear 齿轮齿条转向器R & P Power Steering Gear
转向器的安装Installing of Steering Gear 输入轴Input Shaft 进油管Inlet Pipe
回油管Outlet Pipe 输出轴Output Shaft 汽车大梁Frame 转向摇臂Pitman Arm
拉杆Linkage 转阀式动力转向器简介Rotary Spool Valve Power Steering Gear
1、传递运动Pass Motion
2、传递力矩Pass Torque 总体拆分图Assembly Split Picture
动力转向器结构剖视图(输入轴)Configuration View (Input Shaft)
1、螺杆-螺母系统Rack Piston-Screw System
2、螺母-齿扇系统Sector-Rack Piston System
动力转向器结构剖视图(输出轴)Configuration View (Output Shaft)
螺母-齿扇系统Sector-Rack Piston System
上壳体组件Valve Housing Assembly 下壳体组件Housing Assembly
转阀-螺杆螺母组件Rack Piston Screw Assembly 侧盖组件Side Cover Assembly汽车回油管
摇臂轴组件Pitman Shaft Assembly 壳体尾部的调整Adjustment for Tail of Housing
转阀工作原理Principle of Rotary Spool Valve 汽车直线行驶Drive Straightly
汽车右转弯Turn right 汽车左转弯Turn left
转阀的输入力矩-压力特性Input torque-pressure Characteristics 车低速行驶时LOW SPEED
高速行驶时HIGH SPEED 规定力矩TORQUE 转向系统的组成Structure of Steering System
管柱Column 拉杆Linkage 油箱Reservoir 回油管Outlet Pipe 循环管Recycle Pipe
油泵Pump 高压油管High Pressure Pipe 动力转向器总成Assembly
低压油管High Pressure Pipe 油箱Reservoir 油泵Pump 循环油管Recycle Pipe
高压油管High Pressure Pipe 方向盘Steering Wheel 管柱Column 万向接头Universal Joint
R&P式转向器总成R&P Steering Gear Assembly
齿轮齿条转向器的分类Classification of R & P Steering Gear
·齿轮齿条式转向器R & P Steering Gear
·机械齿轮齿条式转向器(RP-MS) ·动力齿轮齿条式转向器(RP-PS)
齿轮齿条转向器的结构Structure of R&P Steering Gear
防护套Bellows 油管Oil Pipe 壳体Housing 齿条Rack 活塞环Piston Ring 六角螺母Hex Nut
安装支成套Bush 标牌Label 液压缸Cylinder Tube 齿条支承套Rack Bush 扭杆Torsional Bar
阀壳体Valve Housing 调整体Support Yoke 调整螺塞Yoke Plug 锁紧薄螺母Special Hex Nut
齿条Rack 配钻销Pin 输入轴Input Shaft 阀套Valve Sleeve 齿轮Pinion
特殊六角螺母Lock Nut 下端压紧螺塞End Plug 流入油箱Feed into reservoir
从油泵进Enter from pump 输入力矩Input Torque 扭杆扭动Torsional Bar twisted
阀开始工作⇒油压进行换向Valve start to work ⇒Pressure deflect
左右液压缸产生压力差Pressure Difference (产生助力)(Assist)
齿条(IBJ部)的左右运动Rack Motion ⇒节臂Knuckle ⇒车轮转动(回转运动)Wheels turning
齿条Rack 齿轮Pinion 中立状态时Neutral Position 扭杆Torsional Bar 输入轴Input Shaft
阀套Valve Sleeve 转向系统发展的先进技术Advanced Technology
C-EPS基本组成及原理Elements and Principle of C-EPS C-EPS系统组成Elements
◆ECU控制单元ECU Control Unit ◆直流电机DC Motor
◆吸能式转向管柱Suction Steering Column
◆齿轮齿条机械转向器R&P Manual Steering Gear ◆中间轴Intermediate Shaft
EPS技术特点EPS Technology Features
可兼顾良好的高速路感和原地转向的轻便性With good road feel and
EPS技术特点EPS Technology Features 基本性能Basic Performance
Our computer CAD center adopt 3 dimension solid software to design, and ensure the development of new product and the quality of design.
技术中心Technology Center
Technology Introducing and Cooperation
1993年引进美国德尔福(Delphi)循环球式动力转向器设计、制造技术。It introduced the design and produce technology of recirculating balls power steering gear from USA Delphi in 1993.
To accept training in America about technology for design and manufacture 480person day.
Products have passed Certification of Detroit, America Vehicle Test Center and Customer.
Main Customer: BeiJing (Jeep),Golden Cup(GM)
2002年引进了日本光洋(Koyo)循环球动力转向器设计、制造技术。It introduced the design and produce technology of recirculating balls power steering gear from Japan Koyo in 2002;
到日本光洋(Koyo)进行现场进行设计制造技术培训200人日。To accept training in America about technology for design and manufacture 480person day.
日本光洋(Koyo)专家到我厂进行技术指导120人日。Japanese expert come to our factory to train our engineer.120 person day.
派两批各20人研修生到日本光洋(Koyo)研修半年。Appoint 20 person each batch to study further about half year. There are two batches.
产品通过日本光洋(Koyo)的台架可靠性试验和考核。Products have passed Performance and Bracket Test checking of Koyo.
与清华大学等开展合作Cooperate with Tinghua University 技术创新Technology Innovation 设计理论的深入研究Research deeply to design theory
计算机辅助软件的应用Application of Computer Aid Software
技术难题的攻克Solve technology puzzle 采用了变传动速比技术Adopt variable ratio
变速比齿形variable ratio teeth 定速比齿形constant ratio teeth
采用了腰鼓形螺杆新型结构Adopt New Type Structure 腰鼓形螺杆New Type 普通直螺杆Ordinary Type
间隙特性曲线Clearance Characteristic Curve 摩擦力矩曲线Friction Torque Curve
转向力特性曲线Steering Force Characteristic Curve
利用有限元分析提高零件强度FEA Application to improve strength of part
优化前Before improving 优化后After improving 最大应力值1×104MPa Max.stress 1×104MPa
应力值1.3 ×103MPa Stress 1.3 ×103MPa