The art of smart guessing 中文翻译(总6页)

The Art of Smart Guessing
Several years ago interviewing candidates for a job I grew tired of asking What experience do you have So I decided on a one-question quiz to find out how resourceful a thinker the new hire might be. Here it is:
You are on a yacht sailing the Pacific Ocean. Your navigator announces you are over the deepest point the Mariana Trench. Just then a clumsy guest accidentally drops a 12-pound cannonball over the side. How long will it take for the cannonball to reach the bottom of the ocean
Before reading on please try to solve this yourself--paying special attention to how you might solve it.
Did you make a completely wild guess because there wasnt enough information Did you get too bogged down in the details trying to come up with the exactly right answer Or did you zero in on the two most important problems--how deep is the Mariana Trench and how fast might a cannonball fall through the water-- then hazard a guesstimate
Most of my candidates simply made a wild guess thinking that if they couldnt be 100-percent right there was no use trying to be 95-percent right. Rarely was someone willing to risk an approximation.
What does this have to do with business or creativity A great deal. In the real world we frequently need to make decisions when the full information does not exist. From what foods we eat to how to raise our kids creative people must think for themselves. There may not be the time or the money to make sure of all your decisions. Your best guess will often be the best you can do.
Suppose for example youve been asked to write a marketing plan for a new telephone device that will send your name company address and telephone number to a visual display or printer on another persons phone. In addition to conventional outlets like mass merchandisers and electronics stores youd like to know the number of phone stores in the United States. Unfortunately this figure is not available either from market-research houses or from the . government. What do you do
打个比方假定你要为一个新的电话设备写一个营销计划这个设备会将您的大名、公司、地址、电话号码发送到别人的手机的显示器或打印机上。除了常规网点像大商场和电子卖场你还要了解美国“手机店”的数量。不幸的是这个数字无论是从市场研究机构或从美国政府 都不可能得到。你会怎么做
One solution would be to go to your local library pull out a few phone directories from around the country turn to the Yellow Pages and start counting. You could then guesstima
te how many stores there were nationwide based on the number of stores per 100000 people in each of the cities you counted. This by the way is exactly what a marketing consultant I know did for a large telecommunications client.
根据你所数的每个城市里每十万人会有多少家店来猜测全国有多少家店。 顺便说一下这是我知道的一个营销顾问为一个大型电信客户所做的市场调查的确切做法。
The question about phone stores was an example of what scientists call a Fermi problem named after Nobel Prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi who used problems such as this to teach his students how to think for themselves. A Fermi problem does not contain all the information you need to solve it precisely.
息但你必须准确地解决它。 Fermi is said to have once asked his university students how many piano tuners there were in Chicago. To answer the question he recommended breaking it down into smaller more manageable questions and then having the courage to make some guesses and assumptions. How many people live in Chicago Three million would be a reasonable estimate. How many people per family Assume an average of four. How many families own pianos Say one out of three. Then there are about 250000 pianos in Chicago. How often would each be tuned Maybe once every five years. That makes 50000 tunings a year. How many pianos can one tuner tune in a day Four And how many in a year Assuming 250 working days one tuner can handle 1000 pianos a year.