超声波一般指频率在20 kHz以上的机械波,具有穿透性强,衰减小,反射能力强等特点。工作时,超声波发射器不断发射出一系列连续脉冲,给测量逻辑电路提供一个短脉冲。最后由信号处理装置对接收的信号依据时间差进行处理,自动计算出车与障碍物之间的距离。超声波测距原理简单,成本低,制作方便,但其传输速度受天气影响较大,不能精确测距;因此大都用于汽车倒车雷达等近距离测距中本文根据声波在空气中传播反射原理,以超声波换能器为接口部件,介绍了基于STC89S52单片机的超声波测距器。该设计由超声波发射模块、信号接收模块、单片机处理模块、数码显示以及声光报警显示模块等部分组成,文中详细介绍了测距器的硬件组成、检测原理、方法以及软件结构。接收电路使用SONY公司的CX20106A红外检测专用芯片,该芯片常用于38kHz的检波电路,文中通过对芯片内部电路的仔细分析,设计出能够成功对40kHz超声波检波的硬件电路,并且增益可调,与传统超声波检波电路相比,
In recent years, with the rapid development of automobile industry and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, China's number of cars is increasing every year. Driving in Central Africa at the same time professional staff of the proportion of car drivers is also increasing year by year. Highways, streets, parking, garage and other crowded places narrow reverse, the driver should not only forward but also looking back, a little rear-end careless accidents can occur. According to related statistics, 15% of motor vehicle collisions when the vehicle is reversing, as the capacity of the latter caused by bad.So after the increase of motor vehicles as the ability to detect obstacles on the development of the rear of the car reversing radar has become the research hotspot in recent years. To this end, the design of a single-chip microcomputer as the core, the use of ultrasonic ranging to achieve non-contact reversing radar system.
Generally refers to ultrasonic frequencies above 20 kHz mechanical waves, with penetrating, and attenuation of small, reflecting the ability and so on. Work, the ultrasonic transmitter continuously emi
ts a series of consecutive pulses to the measurement of logic circuits to provide a short pulse. Finally, signal processing devices based on the received signal for processing the time difference, automatic calculation of turnout and the distance between obstacles. Ultrasonic Ranging simple, low cost, easy production, but the transmission speed by a larger weather can not be precise range;Thus reversing radar are used in cars, such as close range in this paper, according to the spread of sound waves in air reflection to ultrasonic transducer interface components, based on MCU STC89S52 ultrasonic range-finder. Designed by the ultrasonic transmitter module, receiver module, single-chip processing module, a digital display and alarm sound and light display module, such as parts, the text in detail the range of hardware devices, detection theory, methods and software architecture. Receiving circuit using the SONY company dedicated CX20106A infrared detecting chip, the chip used in the detector circuit 38kHz, the text of the chip through the careful analysis of the internal circuit design can successfully 40kHz ultrasonic detection of hardware circuitry and adjustable gain, and compared to conventional ultrasonic detection circuit, the circuit has become streamlined and easier to debug.
Key words:Silent Wave;Alerting; STC89C52;Debug; Design
摘要....................................................................................................II 第1章绪论 (1)
1.1 课题的背景 (1)
1.2 课题设计的意义 (1)
1.3 超声波防装系统的应用介绍 (2)
1.4 课题主要研究的内容 (3)
第2章课题的方案设计与论证 (4)
2.1 系统的总体设计 (4)
2.1.1 系统总体框图 (4)
2.1.2 传感器的位置 (5)
2.2 设计方案的论证 (5)
2.3 本章小结 (5)
第3章系统的硬件结构设计 (7)
3.1单片机的选择 (7)
3.2 发射电路设计 (12)
3.3 接收电路设计 (12)
3.4 显示报警电路的设计 (15)
3.4.1 MAX232 (15)
3.5本章小结 (16)
第4章系统的硬件结构设计 (17)
4.1主程序流程图 (19)
4.2超声波发射程序编写原理 (22)
4.3本章小结 (22)
第5章制作与调试 (23)
5.1 硬件的制作 (23)
5.1.1 焊接时布线及其注意事项 (23)
5.1.2硬件的整体焊接 (26)
5.2 硬件调试 (27)
5.2.1 发射调试 (28)
5.2.2 接收调试 (29)
5.2.3 显示调试 (30)
5.2.4报警调试 (31)
汽车防撞系统5.3 软件调试 (32)
5.3.1 超声波接收发射调试过程 (33)
5.4本章小结 (34)
结论 (35)
参考文献 (36)
致谢 (36)
附录 (38)
附录A 英文文献与中文参考译文 (38)
附录B 整机原理图 (45)
附录C实物效果图 (49)
附录D材料清单 (51)
附录  E 源程序 (53)
1.1 课题背景
1.2 课题设计的意义