-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

V. Key to Exercises
[1]. Become familiar with the rules of word formation.
1. Make compound adjectives following the given example.
1. blood-soaked                        2. hand-made
3. sugar-coated                        5. church-controlled
4. enemy-occupied
2. Translate the following expressions into Chinese paying attention to the different use of the prefix "un-".
l解开拴狗的铁链    7打开门锁
2 解开外套扣子    8解开绳子
3脱去婴 儿的衣服    9卸掉船上的货
4把鸟从笼子里放出去    10揭露秘密
5拉开短上衣的拉链    11打开包裹
6拔开瓶塞    12展开卷着的地圈
3 Decide whether the adjectives in the brackets can he used as verbs ~r should be turned into verbs by adding the verb suffix "-en'. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word.
      1. thickened                                6. widened, deepened
      2. thinning                                  7. narrow
      3. emptied                                  8. wetted, cleared
      4. cool                                      9. weakened
      5. warmed                                  10. slow, quicken
[2] Translate the following phrases into English.
      1, keep a dog, keep a car, keep horses, keep fish, raise children
    2. gain strength, gain weight, gain speed, gain profits, gain experience
      3. upset the basket, upset a person, upset a plan, upset the balance
    4. make a fire, set fire, light a fire, catch fire, put out fire
      5. raise the rifle/gun, lift one's head, poke one's head, tower one's head. rinse one's voice.
        lower one's voice
    6. lay/set the table, lay the foundation, lay a trap, sit on eggs
    7. fog the mind, confused the readers, complicate the matter
    8. fill the pipe, fill the box, fill the gap, store/gather food, store information store nuclear
[3] Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets
    according to the sentence patterns in bold.
      1. that the time bomb exploded
    2, that the terrible earthquake took place in Tangshan
    3. until it was too late
    4. until after he died
    5. before I came to realize my mistake
    6. before man began to know that they could not try to conquer nature day and night
    7, before 1 remembered that I bad forgotten to tell her something important
    8. before he lost his wife in a car accident
    9, Not that my husband was the most clever or the most handsome
    10. Not that she doesn't have her share of serious problems
    l 1. when we bad to worry where our next meal might be
    12. when we did not have to be afraid that there would not be enough clean air and water
    13. , who gave us great joy
    14. which changed every aspect of our life
    I5. shivering with cold
    16. with his clothes soaked with blood
    17. described as one of the most forgetful persons in the world ever
    18. the most upright person in the world ever
    19. only to drop it on his own toes
    20. only to find the man a police officer
[4] Rewrite the following sentences replacing the parts in bold type with the correct
    form of the words and expressions listed below. Some answers may be used more
    than once.
      1. Fan the fire back to life                  6. in search of, has been left unchanged
      2. in search of                          7. caused (to fall), eventually
      3. all the  best for him, for life            8. sailed, demanding