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Henry Ford and the American Automobile | 亨利·福特与美国汽车 | |
Detroit has some of the most beautiful residential neighborhoods in the USA and at the same time some of the most shocking slums. Detroit owes its rapid growth and one-time prosperity to the automobile, and above all to Henry Ford. | 底特律有美国最美丽的住宅,同时也有最骇人的贫民窟。 它的高速发展与一度的繁荣应该归功于汽车行业,而亨利福特在其中功不可没。 | 底特律有一些美国最漂亮的住宅区,而同时也有一些最令人震惊的贫民窟。底特律的迅速发展及其一度繁荣归功于汽车业,尤其归功于亨利·福特。 |
Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, but he was the first man to mass-produce it, and this made it available to the ordinary man. Many automobiles were being built by hand at the turn of the century and were much too expensive for all but the wealthy. In 1903 Henry Ford’s first mass-produced Model T cars cost $850. By the early 1920s he was able to reduce the price to $350. Between 1903 and 1927 Ford manufactured 15 million Model T Fords and earned a profit of $700 million. In 1927 he produced his sedan Model A, which was much more comfortable than the open, windswept Model T. | 雷克萨斯rx270亨利福特不是第一个发明汽车的人,但他却是第一个将其大量生产的人,使得汽车成为大众产品。19世纪末很多汽车都是手工制造的,价格极其昂贵,只有富人能买得起。1903年,亨利福特的第一款使用流水线生产的汽车——T型车,售价为850美元。到20世纪20年代初,他成功的把售价降到了350美元。在这期间,福特公司共生产了1500万辆T型车,盈利7亿美元。1927年,福特公司推出了A型轿车,它比敞篷的T型车更舒适。 | 汽车不是亨利·福特发明的,但他却是使用机器大量生产汽车的第一人,从而是普通老百姓也能拥有汽车。在20世纪初,许多汽车是手工制造的,对于富人以外的所有其他人来说,其价格实在太贵。1903年,亨利·福特第一批大量生产的T型汽车每辆卖850美元。到20世纪20年代初,他却能把价格降到350美元。1903年至1927年期间,福特制造了1500万辆T型福特车,赚取7亿美元的利润。1927年,福特生产出A大众汽车召回查询型轿车,比敞篷式不挡风的T型车舒服的多。 |
Henry Ford was himself a born mechanic and could build a car with his own hands. So he respected his workers and treated them well. In 1914, when the basic wage for an industrial worker in Detroit was $ 11 a week, Ford announced that he would pay his workers $5 a day. Ford believed in the dignity of work, and did not wish his men to become underpaid robots. He also built them a special town on the outskirts of the city. | 亨利福特本人就是一个有天赋的机械工,他可以独自组装一辆汽车。因此他很尊重工人,对他们很好。1914年,当底特律工业工人基本周薪是11美元时,福特宣布他将支付工人5美元日薪。福特相信工人是有尊严的,所以不希望他们成为收入不足的机器。他还在市郊为工人们建造了一个特别的镇。 | 亨利·福特是天生的汽车机修师,他能用双手制造出汽车。所以他尊重工人,并善待他们。1914年,底特律产业工人的基本工资是每周11美元,而福特却宣布他给工人的报酬是每天车船税新规5美元。他信奉工作是高尚的,不希望他的工人沦为收入低下的苦力。他还在底特律郊区专门为他们建造了一个镇子。 |
Ford’s basic wage of $5 a day caused not only a wage explosion in the city, it also caused a population explosion. Blacks from the south poured into the city, until there were almost as many blacks in Detroit as whites. Other industries connected with the automobile were attracted to Detroit, and more and more factories sprang up in and around the city. Other automobile corporations also made Detroit their headquarters. General Motors built factories in Detroit as did Chrysler. In the 1960s, one in three people who lived in Detroit worked in the automobile industry. Now many plants have been dispersed to other parts of the States, and unemployment, particularly among blacks, has become a serious problem. | 福特的5美元基本日薪制不仅引发了城市的薪金爆涨,还导致了人炸。南部的黑人不断涌进底特律,以致城市中黑人白人数量持平。同时,其他与汽车相关的工业被吸引到底特律,越来越多的工厂如雨后春笋般在城市内外兴起。其他汽车公司也将总部设在底特律。通用、克莱斯勒都在底特律建厂。20世纪60年代的底特律,每3个人中就有1个人在原装进口高尔夫汽车工厂工作。如今,这些汽车工厂分散在各个州,失业成为了一个非常严重的问题,尤其对于黑人来说。 | 福特公司给工人每天5美元的基本工资,在底特律不仅引起工资猛涨,而且还引起人口激增。南方的黑人纷纷涌入底特律,到后来黑人人口几乎与白人一样多。其他与汽车工业相关的产业被吸引到底特律,越来越多的工厂在市内和四周拔地而起。其他汽车公司也把总部设在底特律。通用汽车在底特律建厂,克莱斯勒也一样。20世纪60年代,底特律居民三人中就有一人在汽车行业工作。现在,许多工厂已分散到美国其他地方,在底特律,失业——尤其是黑人失业——已经成为一个严重问题。 |
But the fortune of the Ford family was already made. True to the tradition of the American millionaires, Edsel and Henry Ford II gave away half their fortune. They gave $300 million to public education, public television and to social research. | 但是福特家族已经创造了足够的财富。同传统的美国富豪一样,艾德赛尔和亨利福特二世将半数财富奉献于公益事业。他们捐款3亿,用于公立教育、公共电视以及社会调查研究。 | 但是,福特家族早已发了财。艾塞尔和福特二世遵循美国百万富翁的传统,捐出了一半财产。他们为公立教育、公共电视盒社会研究捐赠了3亿美元。 |
Americans depend on the automobile like no other people. The total mileage traveled by American motorists in one year is about one million million miles. | 美国人对汽车的依赖是非同凡响的。美国司机一年的总里程数约为1万亿英里。 | 美国人对汽车的依赖是任何国家的人所不及的。美国驾车人一年形式的总里程达1万亿英里。 |
At the moment a revolution is going on in the American automobile world. In the 1960s there was a change in fashion in favor of small cars. Many small and medium-sized cars are still being imported especially from Germany and Japan. Now American automobile manufacturers have followed the trend. They are committed to building smaller new cars, as part of a program of energy conservation. All new cars, too are built so that they can only take unleaded gas. Some of the most dangerous pollutants are being removed from the air in American cities. It remains to be seen, however, if the American automobile industry will ever again regain its former glory. | 同时,一场革命正席卷着美国汽车界。20世纪60年代,产生了一种倾向于小型汽车的潮流。很多中小型汽车持续从德国和日本进口。如今美国的汽车制造商已经跟上了这股潮流,他们致力于研制更小的汽车,作为能源转换计划的一部分。所有的新车都将使用无铅汽油。美国城市空气中的一些危险的污染物正逐渐减少。美国汽车工业还能否重现当年的辉煌,我们拭目以待。 | 时下,美国汽车业正经历着一场革命。20世纪60年代出现了一个变化,人们崇尚小型汽车。美国仍在进口许多中小型汽车,特别是从德国和日本进口。现在美国汽车制造商已经顺应这股潮流。他们致力于制造新的小型车,作为实现节约能源计划的一部分。还有,所造的所有新汽车只能使用无铅汽油。几种最具危害性的污染物质正从美国城市上空消失。然而,美国汽车业能否重铸昔日的辉煌,人们拭目以待。 |
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