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(江苏信息职业技术学院,江苏 无锡 214000)
摘  要:介绍了汽车空调制冷系统的组成和常见故障。通过故障分析,提出了空调制冷系统常见故障的排除方法,并总结了汽车空调制冷系统的故障排除顺序和原则。
中图分类号:U463.8              文献标识码:A              DOI :10.15913/jki.kjycx.2015.16.115
1  汽车空调制冷系统的组成
汽车空调制冷系统主要由压缩机、冷凝器、储液干燥器、膨胀阀、蒸发器和高低压管路等组成。 2  汽车空调制冷系统检查的内容 2.1  检查制冷系统的制冷剂
利用空调系统制冷时,应检查制冷剂的量,具体方法为:将车内空调温度调至最低(一般为17 ℃)、鼓风机风量调整到最大位置,车辆空气循环处于内循环模式,启动发动机运行5 min 左右,在储液干燥器的检视窗口中观察气泡的流动。 2.1.1  少量气泡流过
如果有少量气泡流过,则说明进、出口两侧有温差,高压侧热、低压侧凉。当转速稳定、没有气泡出现时,如果转速变化后有少量气泡出现,然后渐渐消失,则说明制冷剂储量适中。 2.1.2  看不到气泡
2.1.3  有液体流动、无气泡
有液体流动、无气泡,说明制冷剂偏多,需要调整制冷剂的量。一般而言,应储备制冷剂550~650 g 。 2.2  检查制冷系统的严密性 2.2.1  电子检漏仪检查法
缩机和冷凝器等。当系统发生泄漏时,电子检漏仪会发出闪光和蜂鸣报警。使用时不要启动发动机,且确保该检测仪器在相应检测设备的下方。 2.2.2  压力检漏
借助真空泵抽取制冷系统中的空气,抽取30 min 后,保持高、低压侧的开关关闭。观察高低压力表的压力值变化情况:①压力不变,则说明整个制冷系统的严密性良好,无泄漏现象;②高压侧压力有变化,则说明高压侧系统中存在泄漏,应检查压缩机高压侧、冷凝器、干燥瓶和相关接头。 2.3  检查空调出风口的出风量
对于空调出风口出风量的检查,主要检查车内风量有无变化。具体方法为:打开点火开关,在空调的控制面板上借助风量控制开关选择不同的位置,观察风量有无变化。如果有变化,则可能是因鼓风机故障、开关故障和控制电路故障造成的。 3  汽车空调系统的常见故障 3.1  制冷效果不稳定
该类型故障可能是因电磁离合器的接触面打滑或吸合不严密造成的。电磁离合器结合不平稳的原因有压缩机皮带存在松旷现象、电磁离合器吸力不足、电磁离合器与压缩机不同轴、压缩机内部故障等。 3.2  高、低压侧压力偏高,制冷效果差
该类型故障的主要原因是空调系统中的制冷剂加注量过多,排除方法为调整制冷剂的量,使其处于合理的范围内。 3.3  正常工况下,高、低压低于标准值
且在维修后加入适量的制冷剂。 4  汽车空调故障实例分析 4.1  实例一
以09款丰田凯美瑞(累计行驶里程120 000 km )为例,该车在发动机转速较低的情况下,制冷效果较好,运行一段时间后效果变差,再行驶5 km 后,制冷效果会更差。该车从二手车市场购得,具体车况并不清楚,通过外观检查,空调系统有更换、维修的痕迹,预测属于事故车。
通过故障现象,结合制冷系统的控制原理,判断该车大致存在以下故障:①空调制冷剂R134a 的量过多或不足;②整个制冷系统运行不畅通,有堵塞的可能性;③压缩机效率低;④冷凝器冷凝效果差;⑤蒸发箱堵塞。
故障检测步骤:①就车检测。接上空调的歧管压力表,测试空调的高低压力,并借助解码仪读取故障码。上述2项检测项目结束后发现高、低压力正常,且制冷系统不存在故障码,更没有出现车主描述的现象。②路试检测。在空调的出风口发现,空调的制冷效果越来越差,高压压力升到1.8 MPa ,压力偏高,可能有堵塞现象。因此,下车检查相关元器件,发现冷凝器有污泥,用水冲洗后压力降为1.39 MPa ,制冷效果逐步恢复正常;制冷系统继续运行,5 min 后制冷效果变差,高、低压力升高。根据先前的检查结果,重新检查压缩机的工作情况后没有发现异常,蒸发器没有结霜现象;用清水冲洗冷
凝器后发现制冷效果有所提升,检测冷凝器两端的温差后发现温差很小,可能是因冷却风扇反转,导致无法正常散热;检查冷却风扇后发现,风扇的控制电路存在问题,维修恢复正常。 4.2  实例二
以行驶30 000 km 的凯美瑞为例,该车启动发动机并稳定在1 600 r/min 左右运行20 min 后,打开空调开关和鼓风机开关时送热风。根据故障现象,可初步判定故障原因为空调压缩机不转、空调压缩机皮带故障、空调系统出现泄漏现象或系统内部堵塞。
故障检测:启动发动机,打开汽车空调制冷系统,接上空调压力表,检查制冷剂的量后发现系统正常;打开空调AC 开关,压缩机、鼓风机工作正常,冷凝器两侧有温差,高、低压力两侧的温差较小;用压力表测量高、低压侧的压力基本相同,基本可判定为膨胀阀损坏,拆检后发现膨胀阀无法开启和关闭,更换膨胀阀后故障消除。 5  结束语
综上所述,在汽车空调维修中,应充分了解空调的运行原理、运行条件和相关的开关设置。在维修过程中,从检查的顺序性看,应先检查外围、易检查的区域,比如冷凝器、压缩机、电磁离合器和皮带等,在确定外围没有问题后,再进行数据流分析,最终出故障部位。 参考文献 [1]张金柱.汽车运用与维修[M ].北京:机械工业出版社,2001. [2]陈珍,李桥.汽车制动系统常见的故障及修理措施[J ].南
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3 结论
Shallow Analysis of Power Supply Scheme Selection of Railway under the Shortage of Power Supply
Liu Mingqiang, You Hengyuan
Abstract: Railway power supply system is the important load of railway communication signal power supply. With the further deepening of railway construction and the construction of Key West, in the western remote area power supply shortage situation, face power supply power supply problems become more serious. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of several power supply modes are analyzed, and the integrated economic and technological conditions are put forward.
Key words: power supply system; railway communication signal; power supply scheme; contact net
Study on the Reduction of Wet Slag Water System in Thermal Power Plant
Yuan Yongping, Ma Xiaonan
Abstract: At present, most of the domestic thermal power plants adopt wet type slag removal method; there is the problem of high water consumption and the large amount of wastewater treatment in the slag water treatment system. With national energy-saving emission reduction of the pressure is more and more big, zero discharge of thermal power plant requirements are increasingly strict. Therefore, for slag water system were research and improvement, in addition to slag - water system of the closed loop, to truly achieve the aim of zero emissions.
Key words: PAC coagulant; belt filter press; thermal power plant; slag water
Discussion on the Choice of Electrical Main Connection for the
Expansion Project of 10 kV Power Customer
Yang Dafan
Abstract: The internal competition of power enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce, 10 kV power customer occupy an important position, and the amount of the most. Therefore, this paper analyzes the necessity of industry expansion project management; the basic principles of the main electrical wiring design is introduced, and discusses several commonly used electrical wiring in the form, and have carried on the comprehensive comparison.
Key words: 10 kV line; power customer expansion project; electrical main wiring; power supply quality
Inspection and Case Analysis of Automotive Air Conditioning Refrigeration System
Gao Ming
Abstract: This paper presents the composition and common failures of automotive air conditioning refrigeration system. Through the fault analysis, the author puts forward the method to eliminate the common trouble of air conditioning refrigeration system, and summarizes the order and the principle
of fault exclusion of the automotive air conditioning system.
Key words: air conditioning refrigeration system; fault analysis; refrigerant; pressure leak detection
Research on the Correlation of Highway Design, Construction and Road Maintenance Plan
Guo Haiqiang
Abstract: The design and construction of highway will be influenced by many factors. After the completion of the highway, the highway maintenance work is the greatest impact on the quality of the highway. For highway with relatively high use value, it is necessary to carry out
a series of professional maintenance work; lack of maintenance of the road is very difficult to realize its real meaning and value. This paper
mainly introduces the design and construction of highway and the correlation of daily maintenance plan.
Key words: highway design; highway routine maintenance; vehicle overloading; highway order
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