论文完成了液压控制回路、传动机构的设计。液压控制回路的油道,设计在一阀块内,各控制阀按逻辑关系安装在适当的位置,组成控制回路。液压缸推动车门的传动装置采用了摇杆滑块机构, 实现直线运动向曲线运动的转换。
With the improvement on life level , the taxi and car become prevalent , but the one which can carry automatic gate while passengers on or off , has not turned up.
The sheme carries full introduce from powered mechanism to hydraulic power system which can manage the process .It designs on-off automatic gate system operated by driver , which runs with hydraulic system . As the actuator driving gate , hydraulic cylinder manger the on-off process , carried with throttle valve and change valve by driver .
The thesis shows the design of hydraulic duct pilot and the drive . The duct in a valve body , and all kinds of control vavles fixed in the right position , make up of the duct polit . The drive of hydraulic cylinder which force the gate introduces swinging link slide mechanism , changes linear motion to the curvilinear.
Keyword words: automatic gate ; hydraulic duct pilot ; drive.