Audi R8 GT
The new Audi R8 GT represents a smart step forward for the German brand’s flagship model.  This Audi R8 went on a carbon fiber diet to slim down 220 pounds from its predece
ssor, maximizing the output of its v10 engine.  The result pushes the GT model to 62 mph in 3.6 seconds, speeding from there to a top end limit of 199 mph.  If you want one for yourself, you’ll need to work out an import– the Audi R8 GT is for sale in Germany for roughly $256,000 after conversion to USD.
Alfa Romeo Pandion Concept
The Italian design lab Stile Bertone released the Alfa Romeo Pandion Concept at the 2010 Geneva Motor Show, one of the top concepts of the event.  Designed by Jason Castriota, the Pandion concept car is likely to never see production, but we hope that some of its inspiration winds up on the design table of production cars at Alfa Romeo.  The swooping side windows, the rugged rims, the subtle, angular grill all make the Pandion a lovely concept.
Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport买车网
You’re looking at the world’s fastest production vehicle, the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sportf800r.  Without electronic limiting, this Bugatti can reach speeds of up to 270mph on the track, speed that no other production car can hope to match.  To keep the tires from falling apart under those speeds, Bugatti has limited the top to 258 mph which will outgun pretty much any vehicle on the road.  From where we sit, the only stat as impressive as t
he top speed is the price.  To park one of these in your own garage, you’ll need to shell out $2,300,000 base.  Once you’ve done that, you can shell out another $260,000 on a matching Bugatti Watch for this Super Sport.  Ahh, the lives on the wealthy…
Jaguar C-X75 Concept
Jaguar has revealed a new form of propulsion in the Jaguar C-X75 Concept at this year’s Paris Motor Show.  This sleek and curvy coupe is powered by a turbine-hybrid engine, which uses a pair of gas-fed turbines to drive an electric motor.  The twin 96hp turbines generate power sent to four 195hp electric motors in each wheel, combining for a total of 780hp in the power department.  The system is designed for long-range driving, capable
of 560 mile jaunts on a single tank of fuel.  Oh, and it’s also capable of blinding speeds.  It’ll hit 60 mph in 3.2 seconds and it’ll top out at 205 mph on the open road.  Grrrrowl.