作者:文/ 位凤军 杨晓华
来源:《时代汽车》 2020年第16期
    位凤军 杨晓华
    聊城职业技术学院 山东省聊城市 252000
    摘 要:汽车工业飞速发展,生产使用的保有量日益增加,车辆在使用过程中,避免不了出现车辆的刮蹭凹陷和自然冰雹等物体引起的凹陷,汽车凹陷修复技术修复行业的修复工艺发展日新月一手工具整形免喷漆修复技术也得到了快速的发展。
    关键词:电磁设备 修复技术 原车漆
    A Discussion about the Research of Body Surface Repair of Electromagnetic Equipment
    Wei FengJun Yang Xiaohua
    Abstract:With the rapid development of the automobile industry, the increasing number of productio
n and use of automobile, the sag of the vehicle and the depression caused by natural hail and other objects cannot be avoided during the use of the vehicle. The development of the repair process of the automotive sag repair technology in the repair industry and the plastic-free paint repair technology have developed rapidly.
    Key words:electromagnetic equipment, repair technology, original car paint