毕 业 设 计(论文)
题目 发动机曲轴电磁感应转速传感器
          二级学院      车辆工程学院     
          专    业      能源与动力工程   
班    级        112040602       
发动机飞轮壳          学生姓名  朱伟伟 学号***********
          指导教师  杨新桦  职称         
          时    间        2016.5.19      

Instantaneous rotational speed signal of engine crankshaft contains a wealth of information. Through the analysis of transient speed fluctuation of crankshaft , it is convenient for us to discern engine working conditions and detect its abnormal signals. This paper introduce the characteristics of the output signal of the electromagnetic induction speed sensor of the engine crankshaft, and according to the characteristics of the signal, simulate the crankshaft speed signal approximately. Through the sampling, filtering, amplifying, and reforming of the original speed signal, and take the measurement method of instantaneous speed of engine crankshaft by using high frequency counting method, then calculate the transient speed fluctuation of crankshaft , at the mean time, determine the position of the flywheel and generate a pulse signal. Through the use of  MATLAB/Simulink simulation platform, the whole signal generator model have been built up and the crankshaft speed signal processing have been accelerated. By comparing the simulation results, the conclusion is crankshaft rotating speed signal processing have a good effect, while the speed measurement results have a relatively high accuracy, and th
e flywheel missing teeth pulse signal can meet the accuracy requirements of fuel injection.