美国第一任总统没有亲生的儿女,但是是他1759年与寡妇Martha Custis结婚后成为她的个孩子的继父。在上面这张1961年的图片,约翰·“杰克”Parke Custis是左边这位,玛莎“帕斯媞”Parke Custis则是中间这位。这两个孩子过早的死去,杰克参加了继父的军队后不久就死于痢疾,而玛莎饱受癫痫病折磨17岁就死去了。制动踏板
George Washington
宝骏730怎么样America's first President had no biological children, but he became stepfather to the two children of the widow Martha Custis when he married her in 1759: John "Jacky" Parke Custis, left in the c. 1761 illustration above, and Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis. Both of the Custis children met with untimely ends; Jacky joined his stepfather's army but died from dysentery soon thereafter, while Martha suffered from epilepsy and died at 17.
Ulysses S. Grant
Three of Grant's four children gathered for this multigenerational portrait taken around 1880: his only daughter Nellie, far left, his youngest son Jesse (behind her) and the eldest, Frederick, standing toward the right, with hand on hip. Jesse was an author, engineer and world traveler. Frederick served with his father on the major battlefields of the Civil War. Nellie was married twice, the first time to a dissolute diplomat whose death left her a wealthy woman.
Abraham Lincoln
When the Lincolns moved into the White House in 1861, Thomas "Tad" Lincoln was 7 years old. Several sources report that the President was extremely indulgent of his younger son and tolerated behavior from him and his brother Willie that scandalized the White House staff, including a notorious incident in which Tad fired his toy cannon upon the door of the Cabinet room while his father was meeting with some advisers inside.
Theodore Roosevelt
导航仪哪个好The Roosevelt family poses for the camera two years after moving into the White House. They are, from left, Quentin, who would die as a fighter pilot in World War I; President Roosevelt; Ted, a highly decorated soldier who saw service in both World Wars; Archie, a businessman; Alice, the only child from Roosevelt's first marriage; Kermit, an adventurer and soldier of fortune; First Lady Edith; and Ethel, who served as a nurse in France during World War I and later became involved with the Red Cross.
帕萨特轿车这是慢慢扩大的罗斯福家庭在1928年的相片,那时他正在精选纽约州长。相片上的人从左起:艾略特,一个战争英雄和作家;未来的第一夫人埃莉诺;Curtis Dall(安娜的丈夫,安娜是一位记者,正坐在丈夫前面);约翰,坐着那位,是一个零售商兼银行家;詹姆斯,