中图分类号:U46 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2015)06(b)-0000-00
Abstract:In our country, the traffic accidents happen frequently and the death toll rising, one of the main forms of traffic accidents is caused by automobile rear end collision.
Especially, when a small car bump into a large truck and the airbag fail to pop-up, since the impact position of car is usually located in the middle of the A-pillar of the car, however,汽车安全气囊检测 the crash sensors are not installed on the impacted region, they are installed on the front of car plate and the lower parts of the B-pillars on both sides. In rear-end collision, the death rate of the driver and passenger in the front row is very high. In order to solve this problem, crash sensors for airbags are suggested to be installed on the positions where the car may be bumped, the sensors can ensure the airbags be effectively pop-up and then the avoid the casualtyaccidents in rear end collision.