[关键字]    焊接  ; 焊装生产线  ; 自动化
[Summary] The welding is in the modern machine manufacturing industry one essential necessity, getting the extensive application in the automobile manufacture, because of the sp
ot welding , the shielded welding ,the rock drill welding has the product in a big way , the automation degree is high, high speed, low consumption, weld the characteristics of transform the small and easy operation, so overlay zero partses to the automobile carriage lamella special in keeping with, Therefore, applied in automobile produce at most .the spot welding approximately composes 75%,in the investment expenses ,other welding methods only account for 25%.
Along with the development of the automobile industry, the automobile body welds installs the production line also at the time of gradually to full-automatically turning the direction development, for the sake of catching up the international level, at raising the yield, request to work hard to raise the automobile manufacturing quantity .It is known to all, the premise that carry out the automation is the manufacturing accuracy of the spare parts and want to be very high, hoping to weld to transform minimum, weld the part external appearance to want the clearness, so request to weld the technique more and more high .The our country faces the opportunity and challenges of join the WTO, the welding aspect new technical expansion application to automobile industry of brand promote to have the very and import
ant function.