Mr  Gumpy’s  Motor  Car(和甘伯伯去兜风)
(音乐1 鸟鸣声)
Mr Gumpy(甘伯伯): I’m Mr. Gumpy. I’m going for a ride in my car.(我是甘伯伯,我打算开车去兜风)
Children(男孩、女孩 : Shall we come too?(我们可以和你一起去吗?)
Animals(动物们): Shall we ?(我们可以去吗?)
Mr Gumpy: All right. But it will be a squash.(当然,不过可能会有些挤哟!)
Mr Gumpy: It’s a lovely day. Let’s drive the car across the fields.(今天的天气真好,让咱们一起穿过那片田野吧!)
(音乐汽车发动声音  汽车慢慢发动,车子上的动物和孩子一起唱歌,做着各自高兴的动作  音乐3 do re mi
(乌云聚拢,音乐4 雷鸣声 汽车抛锚
Mr Gumpy: I don’t like the clouds. I think it’s going to rain.(我不喜欢那些乌云,我看要下雨了!)
(甘伯伯停下车,把车篷撑开,雨下起来了,甘伯伯跳上车继续向前走,路越来越泥泞,车子越走越吃力) (音乐5
Mr Gumpy: Some of you will have to get out and push the car.(你们中间得有人下去推车才行!)
Goat(山羊): Not me , I’m too old.(我不行,我太老了)
Calf(小牛): Not me , I’m too young.(我不行,我太小了)
Chicken(小鸡): Not me, I can’t push.(我不行,我不会)
Sheep(绵羊): Not me, I might catch cold.(我不行,我会感冒)
Pig(猪): Not me, I have a bone in my trotter.(我不行,我脚上有骨刺)
Dog(狗): Not me, but I’ll drive if you like.(我不行,我倒是可以开车,如果你愿意的话)
Cat(猫): Not me, it would ruin my fur.(我不行,会把我的毛弄脏)
Rabbit(兔子): Not me, I’m not very well.(我不行,我不太舒服)
Girl(女孩): Not me, he’s stronger.(我不行,男孩子比较有力气)
Boy(男孩): Not me, she’s taller.(我不行,她比我高)
Mr Gumpy:  Now we’re really stuck.(现在我们车真的抛锚了)
Mr Gumpy(甘伯伯): Don’t stop! Keep it up, we’re nearly there!(别停下,坚持住,马上就成功了)
一起欢呼: we did it.(我们成功啦) 音乐6 以歌曲结束)
Mr Gumpy(甘伯伯): Goodbye come for a drive for another day!(再见,改天再一起兜风去!)
一起说:GoodbyeMr.  Gumpy. (甘伯伯再见)