西南大学工程技术学院,重庆 400716
The Designs of Steering system and Front axle
Luo You
College of Engineering and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China
Abstract:We pay more attention to each performance index and manipulate feelings for
cars with the popularity of cars.The complexity of working environment of front axle and steering system is related with the safety and maneuverability.So weshouldmention higher requirements forthe design of steering system and frontaxle.
Thethesis is about the design of the performance aspect of the front axle and steering syst
em.Taking consideration of safety, comfort, stability, economy and lightweight,it analyses thoroughlymany aspects of the steering system and front axle,including present situation,structure, classification and working principle.So the best program is gotten.checking the strength of constructureis to get good reliability;For making it more close to the theoretical expectations, it is necessary to Optimize the parameters of the important parts.