视频的英语单词汽车视频    视频的英语单词 视频泛指将一系列静态影像以电信号的方式加以捕捉、纪录、处理、 储存、传送与重现的各种技术。视频技术最早是为了电视系统而发展,但现在已 经发展为各种不同的格式以利消费者将视频记录下来。网络技术的发达也促使视 频的纪录片段以串流媒体的形式存在于因特网之上并可被电脑接收与播放。那么 你知道视频的英语单词是什么吗下面来学习一下吧。    视频英语单词1:    video 视频英语单词2:    vision frequency 视频的英语例句:    舍得花300,000美元安装视频会议系统的公司毕竟数量有限。    After all, there are only so many companies able to shell out$ 300,000 for a videoconferencing system. 本年度出乎意料的热门视频 The surprise hit video of the year 优点:选择面广而且视频质量高。    Pros: high quality video with wide selection. 大约在30年前,任天堂(Nintendo)赋予了视频游戏行业新生,给予了 它再次发展的机会。    Nearly 30 years ago, Nintendo essentially gave the videogame industry a new life, and a second chance. 辨析率,解析度影像能被分辨的细微程度,如在视频显示终端的细微 程度 The fineness of detail that can be distinguished in an image, as on a video display terminal.显示器类似于电视屏幕,也被称为视频显示终端(VDTs),有单显示 器和彩显示器。    Monitors, also known as
video display terminals(VDTs), resemble television screens, and may be either monochrome or color. 视频检索的目的就是要从大量的视频数据中到所需要的视频片断。    Video retrieval aim is to find the needed video slip from a mass of videodata. 通过改进的视频分段算法寻视频镜头边界,实现对连续视频流的有 意义切分。    An innovatory algorithm of video segmentation was introduced to find the shot edge. 关于如何连接第二个视频源的信息,请参阅第五章。    See chapter5 for information on how to connect a second video source. 在这个自由获取视频专家提示和游戏,视频游戏的建议。    Get expert tips and advice on gaming and video games in this free video. 在基于对象的视频编码中,视频对象的分割是重要的任务。    Video object segmentation is an important task in object based video coding. 其他三个视频是准备这段视频的试录版。    The three other clips show rehearsals or outtakes from video messages. 之后的第三段视频里,他否认了在第二段视频中说的话,并且透漏道 他正在逃亡的路上。    Then in a third video he denounced the second one and said he was on the run. 能在接入电话时,播放任何作为视频铃声的手机中的视频! Incoming calls will play any video on your device as a video ringtone!在周一上午举行的媒体发布会上,英特尔还播放了一个制作精美的视 频介绍Ivy Bridge架构处理器。 
  At Monday morning “s press event Intel showed off a slickly-produced video highlighting its new Ivy bridge chips. 目前,不论是汽车制造商还是视频游戏开发商,所有人都在试图为自 己的公司打造一个类似的生态系统。    Makers of everything from cars to video games now think of their businesses as attempting to establish such ecosystems. 果不其然,面对这种变化,一些入学顾问已经做出了回应,他们开始 以视频提示的方式帮助申请者提高这方面的技能。    Already, some consultants are responding to the change by offering coaching to help applicants with the video prompts. eShop上线新游戏恰逢在线视频游戏市场竞争加剧之时。    This eshop ramp up comes at a time when the online video game market has reached new competitive heights. 这种话听起来就像是大家在玩视频游戏的时候朋友之间的吹牛放炮。    That sounds like the kind of bravado-laced boast one might hear from a friend while playing a video game. 中控面板很快将被与移动设备相关的高科技功能所取代,包括拨打视 频电话以及快速拨号等功能。    Dashboards are quickly being replaced with high-tech features associate with mobile devices, from video calling to custom dials.