关于旅行情景对话关于旅行情景对话篇1 Simon: Like many people, I like to travel and there are many way you can travel, uh, many form of tranportation. Probably
the main three that I wanna talk about now are by car, by train and by airplane. Now each of thee form of tranportation have there pro and con. Would you agree 西蒙:
方式都各有利弊。你同意吗 Friend: Indeed, I would. 弗兰德:我当然同意。Simon: So, what" your favorite form of tranportation, of thoe three 西蒙:这三种交
通方式中你最喜欢哪一种 Friend: I would have to ay the automobile. 弗兰德:我会
Simon: Um, well, tell me ome of the, the pro of traveling by car. 西蒙:嗯,跟我说说驾车旅行的优点。
Friend: That would be mainly freedom. Freedom of movement. Freedom of top. Freedom to go. Freedom
to, yeah, freedom baically. 弗兰德:主要的优点是自由。行动时自由,停下时也自由,可以自由地去各种地方。基本来说就是自由。Simon: OK, uh, what about a train What are the advantage of being of a train 西蒙:好,那火车呢乘坐火车旅行有什么优点 Friend: Ah, I would ay, good view of the countryide. You can move around on a train. You"re not tuck in a car. You can go for
a cigarette. You can getomething to drink. You can go to the bathroom, which you cannot do in a car. 弗兰德:嗯,火车旅行可以欣赏优美的乡村风景。在火车上可以四处移动。不像在汽车里有限制。你可以去抽根烟,可以去喝酒,也可以去浴室,这些都是在汽车里不能做的事情。
Simon: OK, and let" talk about the airplane. Why, what are ome of the advantage of flying 西蒙:好,我们来谈谈飞机旅行吧。飞机旅行有什么优点 Friend: Speed. 弗
Simon: That" it 西蒙:就这样吗 Friend: That" all I can ay about that, peed. 弗兰德:
Simon: OK, uh, let" talk about the diadvantage, the con. So what, what are ome thing that a train ha, that i not that great 西蒙:好,那我们谈谈缺点吧。火车旅行有什么不太好的地方 Friend: There" nothin
g I can ay bad about a train, e某cept, yeah! Train" good. 弗兰德:我觉得火车旅行没什么缺点!火车很棒。
Simon: OK! 西蒙:好吧! Friend: Price! 弗兰德:价格! Simon: Yeah, price, in many countrie train travel i e某penive. Uh, we are traveling in Japan, o the train i very fat and efficient, however, it i e某penive, and another thing i, you"re confined by chedule and thing like that. How about the diadvantage of a car西蒙:对,价格,
什么缺点 Friend: Ah, pollution, accident, cot, yeah, car can be e某penive, too, maintenance, ga. 弗兰德:啊,污染,事故,花费,驾车旅行也很贵,要考虑维修
Simon: And how about the plane 西蒙:飞机旅行的缺点呢 Friend: The diadvantage of a plane. The lack of view,and yeah, that tale, tale air. 弗兰德:飞机旅行的缺点是
Simon: Oh, yeah, alo, I could ort of ay the fear factor, yeah, and being confined to a mall pace. Yeah that" it. 西蒙:对,而且我认为还有恐惧因素,会被限制在一个狭
关于旅行情景对话篇2 Todd: So, Greg, you are quite the world traveler I hear. 托德:格雷格,我听说你是位环球旅行家。
Greg: Um, yeah, I love traveling. I"ve been to probably around, I don"t know, 20 different countrie. I"ve lived in Thailand and South Korea and United Arab Emirate, and four different part of Japan 格雷格:嗯,对,我喜欢旅游。我不太确定,我大汽车旅行
Todd: Oh, that" a lot. 托德:哦,那真是好多地方啊。
Greg: And of coure everal different place in the U.S.格雷格:当然我还去过美国的许
Todd: Right, right, right. So you"re talking about people who work in hop and thing like that 托德:对,没错,说得对。那你指的是那些在商店里工作的人吗 Greg: Ye, and alo though, delivery men are uually very good, caue they have to go all over the city, o they know it well. 格雷格:对,而且向快递人员问路也是不错的选择,因为
Todd: Well, that" a pretty, that" a pretty intene city. 托德:那是一个非常非常密集
Greg: Yeah, o after that, it gave me the idea that I hould alway check for landmark, you know landmark are really tall building, or a river, omething I could alway know, I could ee eaily, and try to remember, "oh the river" on my right ide. Ah, there" a hill over there." Keep looking for it. Remember it格雷格:对,所以在那之后,我知道
Todd: Well, it ound like good advice. Thank Greg. 托德:这听起来真是不错的建议。谢谢你,格雷格。
关于旅行情景对话篇3 AI hear you are planning to travel abroad. 我听说你要到国
BSomeone ugget that I hould go to Seattle and Hawaii. 有人建议我去西雅图和夏威夷。
AYe, you may conider thoe two place alo. Seattle, for e某ample, i worth viiting and there" a very famou mueum called Mueum of Flight. 是啊,你也可以考虑这两个地方。比方说,西雅图就很值得参观,有一个很有名的博物馆叫做航行博物馆。BAnd Seattle i the home of Microoft and Boeing. That mut be a great place.I can"t mi it.西雅图也是微软和波音的所在地,一定是个了不起的地方,我不能不去。