With the continuous development of enterprises, especially the development of modern manufacturing enterprises, attendance management plays a more and more important role in the management of human resources in enterprises. Attendance management is to maintain the work order, improve work efficiency, serious business discipline, so that employees are aware of the basic system of working hours and labor discipline.
The attendance records of BYD have three stages, the tape machine attendance record, no electronic camera system attendance records, camera electronic attendance system to record, but for staff attendance record of processing and computing model has been in the original attendance administrator in military industry and trade computing model. At present, the processing and calculating mode of the employee's attendance record is wasting a lot of human resources, paper resources and time. In the accuracy, the calculation results are not optimistic. For BYD, through the computer to deal with the staff attendance data is particularly important and urgent. The computer is ideal model, then carries on the comparison results of attendance,but BYD Company staff shifts complex irregular clocking and staff, resulting in attendance calculation processing becomes very complex. A very good way to solve this problem is to simplify the complex problem and step by step. Namely, the employees' actual shifts in calc
ulation of attendance told computer system, computer system processes the attendance data, in matching in frequency and flow of real punch, but directly shift and water contrast. Automatic matching punch flow and the frequency of significance lies in all the behavior and data within a short time after handling, step by step implementation of the significance lies in the behavior of post processing and data in advance to a certain amount of time for processing, thereby omitting the post-processing of certain actions, and finally achieve the short time to deal with all the behavior and data.
Through the implementation of the computer system to deal with the time and time data processing, BYD can greatly improve the accuracy of the work attendance,shorten the time used in the work of the time, and improve the work efficiency.
KEY WORDS:Attendance, Management, Computer System
中文摘要........................................................................................................................ I II 第1章绪论 (1)
1.1 引言 (1)
1.2 选题背景 (1)
1.3 国内外研究现状 (3)
1.4 解决的问题 (4)
1.5 论文的组织结构 (5)
第2章相关技术知识 (7)
2.1 开发语言与开发环境 (7)
2.1.1 JavaScript (7)
比亚迪销售及服务系统2.1.2 Eclipse (8)
2.2 B/S技术 (8)
2.3 MySQL (9)
第3章系统需求分析 (11)
3.1 系统总需求与业务流程 (11)
3.2 系统用户类型分析 (14)
3.3 系统功能需求分析 (15)
3.3.1 员工信息管理模块 (16)
3.3.2 法定假日管理模块 (16)
3.3.3 班次管理模块 (17)
3.3.4 考勤管理模块 (18)
3.3.5 年休假管理模块 (20)
3.3.6 调休单管理模块 (21)
3.3.7 福利假管理模块 (21)
3.4 比亚迪考勤规则 (21)
3.4.1 工作时间 (21)
3.4.2 打卡规定 (22)
3.4.3 考勤纪律 (22)
3.4.4 加班加点与调休 (22)
3.4.5 假期 (22)
3.4.6 打卡规则 (23)
3.4.7 工作日与公休日调整后的计算规则 (24)
3.4.8 考勤变动 (24)
3.4.9 考勤计量单位 (24)
3.5 考勤参数 (24)
3.5.1 考勤定义 (24)
3.5.2 考勤参数 (25)
3.6 系统可行性分析 (25)
第4章系统设计与实现 (27)
4.1 系统架构 (27)
4.1.1 软件架构 (27)
4.1.2 硬件架构 (28)
4.2 计算模型 (28)
4.2.1 第一段时间 (29)
4.2.2 休息时段 (30)
4.2.3 加点流程 (34)
4.2.4 连班流程 (35)
4.2.5 事假确定班次流程 (35)
4.3 系统实现 (36)
4.3.1 登陆模块实现 (36)
4.3.2 主界面实现 (38)
4.3.3 员工信息录入实现 (38)
4.3.4 法定节假日管理实现 (39)
4.3.5 班次管理实现 (40)
4.3.6 考勤结果实现 (44)
4.4 系统维护 (44)
4.4.1 更正性维护 (45)
4.4.2 适应性维护 (45)
4.4.3 完善性维护 (45)
4.4.4 预防性维护 (46)
第5章系统测试与结果 (47)
5.1 单元测试 (47)
5.2 集成测试 (47)
5.3 功能测试 (48)
5.4 压力测试 (49)
5.5 测试用例 (50)
第6章结论 (53)
6.1 结论 (53)
6.2 未来工作展望 (54)
参考文献 (55)
致谢 (57)