【摘要】 目的:观察复方南星止痛膏风湿寒性关节痛的临床疗效。方法:组采用外用复方南星止痛膏;对照组外用扶他林软膏,对比两组临床疗效和复发率。结果: 组总有效率96.9%,停药后复发率15.6%;对照组总有效率57.6%,停药复发率48.4%。组临床疗效明显优于对照组。结论:复方南星止痛膏风湿寒性关节痛临床效果满意。
【关键词】 南星止痛膏; 风湿寒性关节痛; 扶他林软膏
the effect of compound nanxing pain paste in wind-damp-cold arthralgia/guo yu-fan.chinese and foreign medical research201210(12)31-32
abstract电动车能淋雨吗 objectiveto observe the effect in treating of compound nanxing pain paste in wind-damp-cold arthralgia. methodsthe treatment group given compound nanxing pain paste and control group given voltaren cream compared the efficacy and relapse rate between them. resultsthe total effective rate of treatment group was 96.9% and the relapse rate was 15.6% the total efficiency of control group was 57.6% and the relapse rate was
48.4%. treatment group was significantly better than the lusionthe effect of nanxing pain paste in wind-damp-cold arthralgia was satisfactory.