ISSN 1674-8484汽车安全与节能学报, 第11卷第3期, 2020年
J Automotive Safety and Energy, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2020
林国庆,逯 超,韩龙飞,王睿希
关键词:汽车主动安全;行人自动紧急制动系统(AEB-P);测试与评价;层次分析法(AHP);虚拟测试中图分类号: U 467.1+4  文献标识码: A  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8484.2020.03.004
Test and evaluation method of pedestrian automatic emergency
braking system
LING Guoqing, LU Chao, HAN Longfei, WANG Ruixi
(Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, China)
Abstract: A variety of pedestrians autonomous emergency braking system (AEB-P) test conditions was formulated to establish a complete test and evaluation method of autonomous emergency braking system (AEB) in line with
China's traffic conditions and driver's driving behavior by using China in-depth accident study (CIDAS) passenger car accident data, drawing lessons from domestic and foreign research results and referring to AEB pedestrian test method in China new car assessment programme (C-NCAP). The AEB-P hierarchical model was established with introducing the analytic hierarchy process. And the weight coefficients was built up, which was suitable for testing and evaluating AEB-P test scenarios and the corresponding scenarios. The results show that the proposed AEB-P test and evaluation method are verified to be reasonable.
Key words:  v ehicle active safety; pedestrians collision avoidance system (AEB-P); testing and evaluation;
analytic hierarchy process (AHP); virtual testing
收稿日期 / Received :2020-02-12。
基金项目 / Supported by :陕西省创新能力支撑计划项目(2019PT-16)。
第一作者 / First author :林国庆(1978—),男(汉),山东,副教授。E-mail:***********。
第二作者 / Second author:逯超(1993—),男(汉),山东,硕士研究生。E-mail:****************。4/17