As one of the most commonly used components in mechanical transmission, planetary gear transmission has long been used in all walks of life. Planetary gear transmission is widely used in aerospace, automobile, wind power, instrumentation, lifting machinery and other fields owing to multiple advantages such as compact structure, light weight, high efficiency and bearing capability. This thesis is based on Ma’anshan Science and Technology Project " Micro-segment gear robot joint reducer R & D " focusing on the dynamic characteristics of the 3K planetary gear drive system. In this thesis, multiple improvements have been made to address the high-complexity and low-efficiency defect that the finite element method has in calculating the gear meshing stiffness; the exact tooth surface equation of involute gear has been derived and secondary development for ANSYS though APDL and UIDL has been accomplished leading to an enhancement in efficiency when calculating the gear meshing stiffness. Aiming at the complexity of multi-engagement angle and multi-displacement of 3K planetary gear drive system, a universal kinematic model of 3K planetary gear drive is established using mass-concentration method and the numerical simulation is carried out. The model applies to any system dynamic characteristics analysis under any geometry parameters. In the meantime, aiming at the special structure of double planetary gears in planetary gear train, a method of modeling the double planetary gear angular deviation is proposed. The influence of double planetary gear angular misalignment on the load sharing characteristics of the system is studied. Influence of system paramet
ers on equal load characteristics and its influence on bifurcation and chaos under planetary wheel angular deviation have been summarized.
In this thesis, the representation of the angular deviation of a double planetary gear is studied. The influence of the error and rotational speed on the system load-average and periodic stability of a typical 3K planetary gear system is analyzed. The amplitude-frequency characteristic curve and bifurcation diagram of the system are obtained. The work and results in this thesis are conducive to a more in-depth study of complex planetary gear train dynamics behavior.
KEYWORDS: planetary gear; dynamics; 3K; load sharing; double gear
1绪论 (1)
1.1 研究背景 (1)
1.2 3K型行星齿轮减速器的研究概述 (2)
1.3 行星齿轮动力学研究概述 (2)
1.4 齿轮刚度计算的研究概述 (6)
1.5 本文研究内容 (8)
23K型行星齿轮传动系统的非线性动力学建模 (10)
2.1 引言 (10)
2.2 3K型行星齿轮传动系统的非线性动力学模型 (10)
2.3 齿轮啮合刚度计算 (12)
2.3.1 齿轮刚度的计算方法 (12)
2.3.2 齿轮参数化建模 (15)
2.3.3 基于APDL与UIDL的ANSYS二次开发软件 (17)
2.3.4 时变啮合刚度计算 (20)
2.4 系统误差分析 (22)
2.4.1 偏心误差的影响 (22)
2.4.2 齿廓偏差的影响 (24)
2.4.3 内外啮合线的总误差 (24)
2.5 3K型行星齿轮传动系统的动力学微分方程 (24)
2.5.1 动力学基本方程 (24)
2.5.2 方程的坐标变化 (25)
2.6 无量纲统一微分方程 (27)
2.7 本章小结 (28)
33K型行星齿轮传动系统的动态特性分析 (30)
3.1 引言 (30)
3.2 系统动态均载系数的定义 (30)
3.3 系统参数对均载性能的影响分析 (30)
3.3.1 偏心误差对均载性能的影响分析 (31)
3.3.2 齿频与轴频误差对均载性能的影响分析 (32)
3.3.3 转速和负载对均载性能的影响分析 (33)
3.4 系统幅频特性分析 (34)
3.4.1 偏心误差对系统幅频特性的影响分析 (34)
3.4.2 齿频与轴频误差对系统幅频特性的影响分析 (34)
3.4.3 阻尼比对系统幅频特性的影响分析 (35)
3.5 本章小结 (36)
4双联行星轮角度偏差对系统动态特性的影响 (37)
4.1 引言 (37)
4.2 含双联行星轮角度偏差下的系统模型修正 (37)
4.3 双联行星轮角度偏差对系统动态特性的影响 (38)
4.3.1 单个行星轮角度偏差对系统均载特性的影响 (38)
4.3.2 单个行星轮角度偏差对系统周期稳定性的影响 (42)
4.3.3 多个行星轮角度偏差对系统均载特性的影响 (46)
4.3.4 多个行星轮角度偏差对系统周期稳定性的影响 (48)
4.4 本章小结 (51)
5总结与展望 (52)
5.1 总结 (52)
5.2 展望 (53)
图  1.1 论文逻辑结构关系 (9)
图  2.1 3K齿轮系统传动简图 (10)
图  2.2 3K型行星齿轮传动系统动力学模型 (11)
图  2.3 渐开线齿轮悬臂梁模型及受力分析 (13)
图  2.4 展成法加工原理 (16)
图  2.5 软件分析流程图 (18)
图  2.6 部分软件界面图 (19)
图  2.7 齿轮啮合有限元模型 (20)
图  2.8 FEA与ISO轮齿最大刚度 (21)
图  2.9 行星轮与内齿圈啮合刚度曲线 (22)
图  2.10 齿轮误差与啮合线的角度关系示意图 (23)
图  3.1 含偏心误差下的系统的时域响应曲线 (31)
图  3.2 含偏心误差下的单齿频均载系数 (32)
图  3.3 转速与转矩对系统均载系数的影响 (33)
图  3.4 偏心误差对系统振动幅值的全局影响 (34)
图  3.5 齿频与轴频误差对系统振动幅值全局影响图 (35)
图  3.6 阻尼比对系统振动幅值全局影响图 (35)
图  4.1 行星轮相对位置偏差 (38)
图  4.2 gd齿轮副时域响应曲线Ω=0.5,TD=10N.M,epd=±40μm (39)
图  4.3 各齿轮副全局幅频响应TD=10N.m,epd1=40μm (40)
图  4.4 动态均载系数随偏差变化曲线Ω=0.5,TD=10N.m (41)
图  4.5 动态均载系数随偏差变化曲线Ω=0.5,TD=30N.m (41)
图  4.6 内啮合齿轮副动态响应Ω=0.5,TD=10N.m,epd1=0μm (42)
图  4.7内啮合齿轮副动态响应Ω=0.5,TD=10N.m,epd1=40μm (43)
图  4.8 内啮合齿轮副动态响应Ω=0.5,TD=10N.m,epd1=−40μm (43)
图  4.9内啮合齿轮副动态响应Ω=1.2,TD=10N.m,epd1=0μm (44)
图  4.10内啮合齿轮副动态响应Ω=1.2,TD=10N.m,epd1=40μm (44)
图  4.11 内啮合齿轮副动态响应Ω=1.2,TD=10N.m,epd1=−40μm . 45图  4.12内啮合齿轮副分岔图TD=10N.m (46)
图  4.13 齿轮副时域响应曲线epd1=40μm,epd2=20μm,epd3=10μm (47)
图  4.14 内啮合齿轮副最大动态均载系数 (48)
图  4.15内啮合齿轮副动态响应Ω=0.5,TD=10N·m,epd1=0μm,epd2=