限速标志    在高速公路终点附近,布设终点标志的同时,在上部附着有限速标志。
    英国的交通规则为左边行驶,右侧超车。行人在横过马路时,应该先注意礼让右侧来车,以保证过路安全。因此,在一些路口两侧地面上,都施划有“LOOK RIGHT”标识,防止人车碰撞。
1. 英国交通标志包括禁令标志、警告标志、指示标志、高速公路标志、干线公路标志,次干线及地方道路标志、其他指示标志和信息标志、施工区标志共九类。
The traffic signs include the prohibition signs, warning signs, highway signs, road signs, sub trunk road and local road signs, other signs and information signs, construction area of nine kinds of signs.
2. 在大型指路标志中有几种底,蓝底白边用于高速公路;绿底白边用于干线公路;白底黑边用于一般道路;白底红边用于告示标志;白底绿边用于机场专用路。
There are several background colors in large signs, blue with a white border to highway; green and white border for arterial highway; white with black edges for general road sign; sign for white red edge; white green edge for the airport road.
Before entering the tunnel there is the portal,prompting that the front will be the tunnel, and on the top of each lane, a high mark.
4. 英国的交通规则为左边行驶,右侧超车。
The traffic runs on the left side of the road and overtakes on the right side .
5. 英国交通标志的板面设计既加大了交通信息的数量,也突出了板面彩的丰富使人感受到清晰而不累赘,图文并茂,一目了然。
The panel design of the traffic sign not only increases the number of traffic information, but also highlights the surface color. It makes people feel clear and not burdensome. There are pictures which make people see and understand easily.