
Automatic taximeter has been universal among Cities for now. The taximeter technology is a foregone conclusion already. So taximeter of cars is still potential at next generation. As an important component taximeter is not only the interests of taxi drivers but also the passengers, so it has played an important role. The good performed taximeter is necessary for the public. The current taxi billing systems don’t meet the wishes of people. In this article we talk about various designs of taximeter system.   
The point is to design the practicality of the taximeter and as far as possible to make the final finished product close to commodities. The whole system is based on single-chip 89S51 and use a hall-sensor A44E to count the number of revolutions. In this way we can achieve the statistics of the taxi mileage and give out the final results. In this design we use AT24C02 to store the price, mileage and other information when the power is down. The man-machine interface of the exchange is LCD1602 screen, and through the voice chip broadcasts. This circuit design can not only realize the meter taxi valuation function, but also can realize the automatic adjustment according to the clock chips during the day, dark pricing mode, it can automatic processing midway waiting for function.
Keywords: single-chip AT89S51; LCD1602; Taximeter; Hall sensor; AT24C02