Unit 5 Topic1
1.wake up醒来
< foot步行
3.take a/By bus乘公共汽车
4.ride a/By bike骑自行车
5.take the/By subway乘地铁
6.happy new year新年快乐
7.the same to you你也一样
8.the school life学校生活
9.have a short break进行短暂的休息
10.i n one’s spare time在….的业余时间
11.play computer games玩电脑游戏
12.play the piano弹钢琴
13.listen to music听音乐
14.three times a week一周三次
15.for a little while一会儿
16.The early bird catches the worm笨鸟先飞
17. Work must come first. 工作必须放在第一位
18.Maria sometimes takes the subway home.玛丽亚有时乘地铁回家.
19. Maria sometimes goes home by subway.
20.Lixiang often goes to school by bike.李翔常常骑自行车上学.
21Lixiang often rides a bike to school.
22.We usually walk to the park.我们常常走路去公园.
23. We usually go to the park on foot.
24. They always take a bus to the zoo.
25.They always go to the zoo by bus.他们总是乘公共汽车去动物园.
Unit 5 Topic 2
< the playground在操场
2.in the swimming pool在游泳池里
< the shelf 在书架上
4.at the moment此刻
5.the Great Wall长城
6.do one’s homework 做家庭作业
< time准时
8.wait a minute等一会儿
9.Thank you anyway仍然感谢你
10.thank you all the same仍然感谢你
11. Anything else? 还有别的吗?
< to在……近旁
13.of course 当然
14.Lost and found失物招领处处
15. b etween…. and在……之间
16. Which place do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个地方?
17.I like the computer room best.我最喜欢电脑室。
18. How long can I keep it? 我能借多久?
Unit 5 Topic 3
Subjects: history math art geography biology P.E. politics
Days of week: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday What day is it today? 今天星期几?
It is Wednesday.星期三.
What class are they having? 他们正在上什么课?
They are having a music class.他们正在上音乐课.
What time does the class begin? 课什么时候开始?
At ten o’clock.在10点钟.
What time does it end? 它什么时候结束?
At twenty to eleven.在10点40分. How many lessons do you have every day? 你每天有多少节课?
May I ask you some questions? 我可以问你一些问题吗?
Y es, please.可以,请.
What do you think of our school? 你认为我们学校怎么样?
It’s very nice.它很好.
My students are waiting for me.我的学生们都在等我.
Why do/don’t you like English? 为什么
Because it’s easy and interesting. /Because it’s difficult and boring.
因为它简单有趣./因为它苦难枯燥. My school life is very interesting.我的学校生活非常有趣.
Classes begin at 8: 课在上午8点开始.
some other subjects 一些其他的课程English is my favorite subject. 英语是我最喜欢的科目.
I don’t like math at all. 我一点也不喜欢数学.
on the playground/in the swimming pool/in the park 在操场/在游泳池/在公园
in my spare time 在我的业余时间
My teachers are very friendly to me. 我的老师们对我非常友好.
and so on 如此等等
I read the book with great interest. 我带着极大的兴趣看这本书.
I can learn English from them. 我可以向他们学习英语.
Thank you for your hard work. 感谢你的努力工作.
Write a letter to your pen pal. 写一封信给你的笔友.
wash one’s face洗脸
Unit 6 Topic 1
Rooms: bedroom kitchen dining room living room bathroom
Where is your bedroom? 你的卧室在哪里?
It’s on the second floor. 在二楼.
Why not go upstairs and have a look? 为什么不上楼去看看呢?
Is there a computer in your study? 你的书房里有电脑吗?
Y es, there is. 是的,有.
There are so many nice book on the shelf.在架子上有如此多书.
What do you use that room for? 你用那个房间做什么?
Put them away, please.请把他们放好. Y ou must look after your things.你必须照看好你的东西.
How many pairs of chopsticks on the plate? 在盘子上有多少双筷子? There are four pairs.有四双.
There is a small garden in front of my house.在我房子前有一个小花园. There aren’t any trees in the garden.在公园里没有树.
on the first floor/ on the second floor在一楼/在二楼
I like watching TV in the living room.我喜欢在客厅里看电视.
Unit 6 topic 2
rent a 3-bedroom house from others 向别人租一个有三间卧室的房子
rent a single room to others 租一间单人房给别人
on the street corner 在街道的角落
right now 马上
be close to the shops 靠近商店
be far from here 远离这儿
be afraid 害怕
between … and …在…之间
next to 在……的旁边
on the right/left 在右/左边
enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事
keep money 存钱
in our area 在我们的区域
汽车itthe cost of living 生活费用
I am looking for a store. 我在寻一家商店.
What’s the matter? 出了什么事?
The kitchen fan doesn’t work.厨房风扇坏了.
There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.我厨房的风扇坏了.
I’m afraid it is too loud.我恐怕它太吵了.
What’s your home like? 你的家是什么样的?
I live in an apartment building.我住在一个单元房里.
There are many old people and many families with young children living here.有许多老人和许多带有孩子的家庭住在这里.
I can’t hear you.我听不见你.
The line is bad.线路坏了.
The traffic is heavy.交通很拥挤.
Unit 6 topic 3
turn right/left 向右/左转
No right/left turn. 不准向右/左转
No parking. 禁止停车.
thousands of people 几千个人
obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则
on the right of the road 在路的右边cross the road/ walk across the road 穿过马路
go along Qiuzhi Street 沿着求知路走Don’t play in the street.. 不要再街上玩,
Excuse me. How can I get to …?请问,我怎样才能到达……?
Excuse me. Which is the way to …? 请问,哪一条路到……?
Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to …? 请问,你能告诉我到……的路吗?
Excuse me. Where is …? 请问,……在哪里?
Go straight ahead and you will see …直直往前走, 你将看见……
Go along this road until you get to …沿着这条路走, 直到你到达……
It’s about 15 kilometers away from here. 离这里有15公里远.
First you need to take the No. 718 bus. 首先你需要承718路公共汽车.
It will take you there. 它将带你到达那里.
Unit 7 Topic 1
1.plan to do sth. 计划做某事
2.have a birthday party 举办生日聚会
3. would love to do 想要做某事
4.be born 出生
5.black and white 黑白相间
6.What’s the shape of …某物是…形状的
< to do 试着做某事
8.use for 某物有什么作用
9.look up new words 查新单词
10.buy sth. for sb.=buy sb.sth. 买某物给某人
11.a light blue sweater 一件浅蓝的毛衣
13.ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事
14.give sb. a surprise 给某人一个惊喜
15.make a card 制作卡片
16.When were you born? I was born in June, 1970. 你什么时候出生的?我出生于1970年6月.
17.When is your birthday? May thirteenth.你的生日是什么时候?5月13日.
18.What’s the date today? It’s May twelfth.今天是几号?是5月12日. 19. What’s the shape of your present? 你礼物的形状是什么?
20. How long is it? It’s 20 centimeters long.它有多长?它有20厘米长.
21. How wide is it? It’s 15 centimeters wide.它有多宽?它有15厘米宽.
Unit 7 Topic2
1.at the party 在聚会上
2.sing Chinese songs 唱中文歌
3.dance the disco 跳迪斯科
4.perform ballet 表演芭蕾
5.take photos 照相
7 fly a kite 放风筝
8. Happy birthday to sb. 祝某人生日快乐
9.What else 还有什么
10.so many flowers 这么多花
11.work out math problems 解答数学题
12. take sth. to sw. 把某物带到某处
13.play table tennis 打乒乓球
14.two years ago 两年前
15.be good at 擅长……
16.have a good/wonderful/nice time玩得开心
18.with the help of…在……的帮助下
19.begin to do 开始做……
20. Can/Could you dance? Y es, I can/could. No, I can’t/couldn’t.
21. What can you do? I can speak English.你会做什么?我会说英语。22. He can’t sing English songs. 他不会唱英文歌。
23. I could write when I was four. 当我四岁时我会写字。
24. He’d like to take these flowers to the party. 他想要把这些花带到聚会上。25. Kangkang is good at playing soccer. 康康擅长踢足球。
Unit 7 Topic 3
2.perform magic tricks 表演魔术
3. perform (Chinese) kung fu 表演(中国)工夫
4.piano playing (名词词组)钢琴演奏,不同于play the piano (动词词组)弹钢琴
5.poem recitation(名词词组)诗朗诵
6. rock song 摇滚歌曲
7.fall down 跌倒
8.hurt oneself 伤着自己
9.stand up 起立,站起来
10.at once 马上,立刻
< and do sth, go to do sth 去做某事
12e back home 回到家里
13.last night, yesterday evening 昨夜,昨晚
14.play video games 玩/打电子游戏
15. go to a movie 去看电影
16.lie to sb. 对某人撒谎,欺骗某人.
17. tell a lie 撒谎
18.at night ,in the evening 在夜里,在晚上
19.in fact 实际上
20.lose the game 输了比赛
21.last Saturday 上星期六
22.bring sth to sb.= bring sb. sth 给某人带来某物
23.buy sth for sb. = buy sb. sth 给某人买某物
24. do sth by hand 靠手工/亲身做某事/物
25.sit around…围着。。。坐
26.make a (silent) wish (默默地)许个愿
27.blow out ,(blow them out) 吹灭(它们)
28.in one breath 一口气
29.have a good time 玩得很高兴
30. How was his birthday party? It was very nice. 他的生日聚会怎么样?很好。
31. I sang an English song at the party yesterday. 昨天我在聚会上唱了首英文歌。
32. I didn’t play the piano two days ago. 两天前我没弹钢琴。
33. Did you go to play video games? Y es,
I did. 你弹吉他了吗?是的。
34. Did you recite a Chinese poem? No,
I didn’t. 你背中文诗了吗?没有。
35. What did Sally do? She danced. 莎妮做了什么?她跳舞了。
36. Did Kangkang enjoy the party? = Was Kangkang happy at the party?
= Did Kangkang have a good time at the party? 康康晚会过得愉快吗?37. Helen recited a poem while Maria danced ballet. 海伦朗诵了一首诗而玛利亚跳了巴蕾舞。
38. It’s your turn now. 现在轮到你了。
39. Did you go to Kangkang’s party yesterday? 你昨天去/参加康康的聚会了吗?
40. I missed the chair. I fell down. 我没抢到椅子。我摔倒了。
41. Did you hurt yourself? 你伤着自己了吗?
42. Go and wash your hands at once. 马上去洗手。
43. This way, please. 请这边走。
44. What time did you come back home last night? 昨天夜里你几点回家的?
I came back home at about half past ten. 我大约十点半回家的。
45. I didn’t hear you. 我没听见你。.
46. Why did you come back so late? 你为什么这么迟回来?
47. How could you lie to me? 你怎么可以对我撒谎?
48. I never play video games. He never plays video games 我/他从来没有玩电子。.
49 We did see    a movie. 我们确实看电影了。
50. I watched TV until twelve o’clock last night. 我昨晚看电视一直看到12点。
51. Did you ever tell    a lie? 你曾经撒过谎吗?
52. I lost the game. He was the winner. 我比赛输了。他是赢家。
53.It was my birthday last Saturday. 上星期六是我的生日。
It was May thirteenth yesterday. 昨天是5月13 日。
54. My parents bought lots of food and drinks for us. 我父母给我们买了很多食品和饮料。
55. My friends brought many presents to me. 我的朋友们带了很多礼物来给我。
56. We made the cards by hand. 我们亲手制作了贺卡。
57. There were 13 candles on the cake. 蛋糕上有13根蜡烛。
58. We all sat around the cake. 我们都围着蛋糕做坐。
59. I made a silent wish, and then I blew the candles out in one breath.
Unit 8 topic 1
cloud 云,cloudy 多云的,阴天的/ rain 雨,rainy 有雨的,多雨的/ snow雪,snowy 多雪的,下雪的/ sun 太阳,阳光,sunny 晴朗的,阳关明媚的/ fog 雾,foggy 多雾的,有雾的
in spring/summer/fall/winter 在春/夏/秋/冬天
< swimming 去游泳
3. go hiking 去远足,去郊游
4 go climbing 去爬山
5.climb mountains /hills 爬山
6.make a snowman 堆雪人
7.nice and warm=very warm 很暖和
8.nice and sunny=very sunny 很晴朗
9.nice and bright 风和日丽,
10. all day 整天
11 be over 结束
12.summer holidays 暑假
13.the weather in different areas(在)不同地区的天气
14. rain a lot 下好多雨
15 rain heavily = rain hard 下大雨
16. go out 出去
18. in most parts of China 在中国的大部分地区