全日制职业学校教育是该职业的培训方式,晋级培训期限根据培养目标和教学计划确定。初级培训不少于600标准学时,中级培训不少于500标准学时,高级培训不少于320标准学时,技师培训不少于200标准学时,高级技师培训不少于120标准学时。理论培训教师应具有本职业(专业)大学本科以上学历或中级以上专业技术职务;实际操作教师应具有相应职业资格证书或高级专业技术职务,并且在本岗位工作3年以上。理论培训场地应具有标准教室,实际操作培训场所应具有600 m2以上的场地,配备必要的设备、仪器仪表和工具,并保证通风、光线和安全设施良好。
XXX n。one must have worked in this XXX 4 years XXX.
Alternatively。one XXX certificate after working in this n for at least 7 years with an XXX.
One XXX as having a high-level XXX.
In n。XXX or a related field who have obtained the XXX 2 years XXX.
XXX n。one must have worked in this XXX 3 XXX.
Alternatively。one XXX certificate after working in this n for at least 5 years with an XXX.
The assessment process includes a closed-book written XXX on a scale of 100.and a minimum score of 60 is required to pass.
The。of XXX for the written exam is 1:20.and for the practical n assessment。it is 1:5.
The n of the XXX on the nal level。ranging from 90-120 minutes and 150-240 minutes。respectively。The thesis defense should not be less than 40 minutes.
汽车itThe XXX classroom。XXX necessary equipment。instruments。tools。and facilities。good XXX。sufficient lighting。XXX.
The XXX nal ethics。knowledge。and skills。nal ethics include knowledge of basic nal XXX nal codes of conduct。XXX laws。ns。and relevant ns。being dedicated and responsible。being diligent and self-disciplined。striving to improve one's knowledge and s
kills。being humble and cooperative。strictly following the technical documents。and emphasizing safety。XXX。and civilized n.