奥迪起诉蔚来侵权题            1011°(淡爽)啤酒厂设计       
        专业班级高歌二手车              生物工程051             
        指导老师                  奔驰gl报价 电动车保有量英                
20096 20
淡爽啤酒口味新鲜淡爽、酒花香味突出、泡沫洁白细腻并且营养丰富,是人们所喜爱的饮料之一。它是一种绿食品。随着人们健康意识的增加,啤酒消费将出现热潮。啤酒是以麦芽和大米为主要原料,添加酒花,采用啤酒酵母发酵酿制而成的一种低二氧化碳、起泡、低酒精度的饮料酒。 本设计对10万吨11°淡爽啤酒厂进行生产工艺流程论证,物料衡算,糖化工段热量衡算,发酵工段耗冷计算,水量衡算等等。并对啤酒厂主要设备的体积,外形尺寸,壁厚,附件及重点设备煮沸锅进行研究设计。糖化方法采用双醪浸出糖化法,发酵方法采用下面低温发酵法。在降低能耗、减少水污染、啤酒糟的回收与利用等方面进行了探讨研究。
The light beer tastes fresh and light. The hops′ fragrance from the beer is prominent. The bubble of it is white and exquisite.And also the nutrition is rich. It is a Green food. With the increase in health awareness, beer consumption will appear boom.The beer uses malt and rice as the main raw materials, adding hops and also with some beer yeast to fe
rment and brew. It′s one kind of drinking wine which including low Carbon Dioxide, sudsy and low alcohol degree. An production process demonstration for the design of 1000,000 tons of 11° light beer and also Production material balance, Glycosylated section heat balance, Calculation of consumption of cold on fermentation section Water balance were carried on. The brewery of the volume of the major equipment, profile size, area, the thickness of cylinder, attachment, the major equipment of Boiling Pot has been designed and researched.The method of Glycosylated use double-infusion mashing syetem. Fermentation method use the bottom low-temperature fermentation. The reducion of power consumption,.water pollution, recovery and utilization of brewer's grains were researched and discussed.
Key words:Brewery; Technology demonstration; Materials balance calculate; Heat balance calculate; Boiling pot