E/ECE/TRANS/505 Rev.1/Add.13/Rev.2/Amend.3
2001 7 13
(第2 版,包括1995 10 16 日开始生效的修正本)
附录1314 号法规
2 -修正本3
05 系列修正本的附录1——2000 11 26 日生效
Regulation No. 14
14 号法规
Annex 1 - Communication concerning the approval (or extension, or refusal, or withdrawal, or production definitely discontinued) of a vehicle type with regard to safety-belt anchorages, pursuant to Regulation No. 14.
附录1 按照第14 号法规关于对车型安全带安装固定点的认证批准、认证扩展、认证拒绝、认证撤销或正式停产的通知书
Annex 2 - Arrangements of the approval mark
附录2 认证标志的布置示例
Annex 3 - Location of effective belt anchorages
附录3 安全带安装固定点位置
Annex 4 - Procedure for determining the "H" point and the actual torso angle for seating positions in motor vehicles
附录4 汽车乘坐位置H 点以及实际靠背角的确定程序
Appendix 1 - Description of the three-dimensional "H" point machine
Appendix 2 - Three-dimensional reference system汽车安全带
Appendix 3 - Reference data concerning seating positions
附件1— 三维H 点装置描述
附件2— 三维坐标系
附件3— 有关乘坐位置的基准数据
Annex 5 - Traction device
附录5 牵引装置
Annex 6 - Minimum number of anchorage points and location of lower anchorages
Appendix 1 - Location of lower anchorages – angle requirements only
附录6 安装固定点的最少数目以及下部安装固定点位置
Annex 7 - Dynamic test as an alternative to the safety-belt anchorages static strength test
附录7 可替代安全带安装固定点静强度试验的动态试验
Annex 8 - Dummy specifications
附录8 人体模型规格
1      SCOPE
1      适用范围
This Regulation applies to anchorages for safety-belts intended for adult occupants of forward-facing or rearward-facing seats in vehicles of categories M and N. 1/
本法规适用于M 类和N 类车辆的前向和后向座椅用于成年乘员的安全带安装固定点(1)
2      定义
For the purposes of this Regulation,
2.1    "Approval of a vehicle" means the approval of a vehicle type equipped with anchorages for given types of safety-belts;
2.1   “车型认证”指对装有指定安全带安装固定点的某一车型的认证。
2.2    "Vehicle type" means a category of power-driven vehicles, which do not differ in such essential respects as the dimensions, lines and materials of components of the vehicle structure or seat structure to which the anchorages are attached and, if the anchorages strength is tested according to the dynamic test, the characteristics of any component of the restraint system, especially the load limiter function, having an influence on the forces applying to the safety-belt anchorages."
2.2   “车型”指在以下主要方面没有差异的一类车辆:1 连接安装固定点的车辆或座椅结构件的尺寸、方向和材料;2 如果作了动态试验,所有对安装固定点受力有影响的约束系统部件的特征,尤其是加载限制装置。
2.3    "Belt anchorages" means the parts of the vehicle structure or the seat structure or any other part of the vehicle to which the safety-belt assemblies are to be secured;
2.3   “安全带安装固定点”指车辆或座椅结构零件上,或所有用于连接安全带总成的车辆零件。
2.4  "Effective belt anchorage" means the point used to determine conventionally, as specified in paragraph 5.4., the angle of each part of the safety-belt in relation to the wearer, that is, the point to which a strap would need to be attached to provide the same lie as the intended lie of the belt when worn, and which may or may not be the actual belt anchorage depending on the configuration of the safety-belt hardware at its attachment to the belt anchorage.
2.4  “实际安全带安装固定点”指能够按照常规确定的点,且安全带每个零件相对于佩带者有如第5.4条描述的角度,即当织带与该点连接时能提供与安全带佩带时的应有位置相同的位置,该点可以是也可以不是实际的安装固定点,这取决于安全带部件与安装固定点连接的布置。