摘 要 ................................................... I 关键词 .................................................. I Abstract ............................................... II III 1. 前 言 .................................................. 1 1.1 选题的目的和意义.................................... 1 1.2 选题的研究现状及发展趋势 ........................... 1 2. 设计题目:汽车雨刮器 .................................. 3 2.1 设计内容及步骤 ...................................... 3 2.2 机构简介 ............................................ 4 3. 设计方案比较 .......................................... 5 3.1 设计方案一 .......................................... 5 3.2 设计方案二 .......................................... 6 3.3 设计方案三 .......................................... 7
3.4 设计方案四 .......................................... 8 4. 设计的数据及运动分析 .................................. 9 4.1 整体工作流程........................................ 9 4.2 工作部分即齿轮组................................... 10 4.3 摇杆滑块机构....................................... 11 4.4 方案最终效果....................................... 12 5. 设计综述.............................................. 14 结束语 ................................................. 15 参考文献 ............................................... 16 致 谢 .................................................. 17
摘 要
The invented of wiper blade
The windshield wiper was first invented in 1910. The first regular production automobiles had been on the roads since 1900, which means that cars were driving on roads in all kinds of weather for at least ten years without windshield wipers!The idea for windshield wipers was born when the President of the Trico company in the United States was driving his car on a rainy day and, unable to see the road well because of the weather, he hit a boy on a bicycle. Though the boy was not hurt badly, the driver was considerably shaken by the experience. It was his shock at the danger of driving without seeing the road properly that brought about the birth of windshield wipers.But a number of different methods were tried before the motor-driven wiper systems we are familiar with today came about. The initial windshield wiper design was one in which a rubber blade on the windshield was rotated manually. While this allowed the windshield to be cleared and forward vision improved, the operator hand soon tired, and the design was abandoned. The next design was powered by a vacuum driven pump. Unfortunately this design was plagued by the fact that its speed of operation changed with the speed of the vehicle. This