《新编考研英语阅读理解中华v7150篇》Unit Two Part A Text 2
You slip the key into the ignition and crank the engine to life. But before you put the car into gear, you tap a key on the keyboard mounted by the steering wheel, and your newest e-mail flashes up on the windscreen.
This seductive satyr is what you get when you cross a car and a computer. Dubbed the “ network vehicle ” , or net-mobile, it may soon come to a driveway near you (probably the one belonging to your rich neighbour). In a net-mobile, a motorist could tap into a regional road system but also to map out a route around rush-hour traffic snags. Drivers and passengers will be able to send and receive e - mail, track the latest sports scores or stock quotes, surf the Web, and even play video games. Or so, at least, say a number of computer-industry firms such as Microsoft, Sun, IBM and Netscape.
2012北京车展当你把一辆汽车和一台电脑混合到一起的时候,就得到了这种引人注目的汽车和电脑的交合体。享有“网络汽车”或者是“网络运动物体”称号的机器可能不久就将出现在你附近的车道上(其中也许有一辆属于你富有的邻居)。驾驶者在网络汽车里不仅可以接进地域性公路系统,还可以在交通拥挤的时段画出路线图绕过交通障碍。司机和乘客都能收发邮件,跟踪最新的体育比分和股票行情,上网冲浪,甚至玩电视游戏。至少像微软、 Sun 、 IBM 和 Netscape 这几家公司是这么认为的。
The modern car is already an electronic showcase on wheels. On-board microcomputers improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. They operate anti-lock brake systems, and on some cars even regulate the firmness of the shock absorbers. But much of the technology needed to add extra is available now. A prototype network vehicle, produced by a consortium of Netscape, Sun, IBM and Delco (an automotive electronics firm based in Michigan), was introduced at the recent annual computer-industry show in Las Vegas.
要增加的新技术目前已经存在。由 Netscape 、 Sun 、 IBM 和 Delco (密歇根的一个自动电子公司)联合生产的一个网络汽车模型最近在拉斯韦加斯举办的一年一度的计算机工业展示会上展示出来。
It not only offered such desktop-computer-like services as e-mail, but allowed a driver to use them without looking away from the road. It was operated by voice commands and projected its data on to the windscreen, using the same sort of head-up display system found in modern fighter jets. Members of the consortium think a real-world network vehicle could be in production in as little as four years.
潍坊车管所违章查询Car-makers have already begun rolling out some of the features found on these prototype net-mobiles. If the driver of a General Motors car equipped with its On-Star syst
em locks his key in the car, for example, an emergency centre can transmit a digital signal to unlock the doors. On-star also calls automatically for help if an accident triggers the airbags. Toyota and General Motors are among a growing list of firms offering such in-car navigation systems. And in Europe, BMW and Mercedes - Benz recently introduced navigation hardware that can not only plot out a route, but alert a driver to traffic jams. [ 419 words ]
6.The future car can be defined as the machine which —— .
[ A ] sends and receives e-mails, and surfs the Web
[ B ] taps into a regional road system to get directions
[ C ] combines car functions and computer functions
[ D ] tracks the latest sports scores and stock quotes
7.“An electronic showcase on wheels”probably means —— .
[ A ] a computer industry show
[ B ] a network car
[ C ] a car that exhibits electronic achievements
[ D 雅马哈是哪国的] a computer that has wheels
8.Compared with an ordinary modern car, the network vehicle will have an on-board microcomputer which —— .
[ A ] projects data on the windscreen
[ B ] improves fuel economy and reduces emissions
[ C ] operates anti-lock brake systems
[ D ] regulates the firmness of the shock absorbers
9.The in-car navigation system has all of the following functions EXCEPT —— .
[ A ] calling for help if an accident triggers the airbag
[ B ] transmitting a digital signal to unlock the doors
[ C ] alerting emergency centre if the key is locked in the car
[ D ] plotting out route and alert one to traffic jams
10.The passage is written probably to —— .
[ A ] promote electronic culture
[ B ] advertise for the motor manufacturers
[ C ] attract potential motor consumers
[ D ] provide information about the net vehicle
prototype n. [ C ] 清远市交通违章查询原型,模型;典型,榜样 ; proto 前缀,表示“原,第一,原始的”,如 protovirus 原始病毒; protozoology 原生动物学
roll out ① 辗平,铺开 例: roll out the red carpet for sb. 展开红地毯隆重地欢迎某人 * ②e90m3 滔滔不绝地说出;洪亮地讲出或唱出 例: roll out verses 朗诵诗句