曾几何时,比亚迪火箭般爬升的速度令业界胆寒,比亚迪也一度成为自主创新的标杆.2005年以来,比亚迪汽车每年实现100%的高增长,2008年实现销量20万台,2009年上半年,全国轿车销售排名第七,同比增长176%.然而随着09年5月业内爆出比亚迪成都“金牌”经销商退网后,比亚迪汽车4S店退网事件接二连三出现,最终演变成全国范围内的退网危机.再到11年所传的比例高达70% 比亚迪“裁员”事件上海比亚迪。在销售量不断提高的同时,比亚迪为何会出现的出现这样和那样的问题呢?我认为其高密度网点覆盖固然能够使其销量得到提升,然而这样的战略并非企业长期发展的动力,当某一区域内由于经销商激增,市场趋于饱和后,经销商很难在获得利益的时候,很可能会引发汽车厂商与经销商之间的矛盾,退网事件也就成为了必然。因此,比亚迪在高速扩张的同时还应该注重渠道的管理和建设,并逐渐推行区域管理制度,通过借鉴国内成功的汽车厂商区域管理的经验,对于区域市场进行有效地合理的部署,完善经销商管理体系,保证其渠道能够稳定的运行和发展。

There was a time when the world marveled at the rocketing speed of BYD' growth, which made BYD the benchmark of independent innovation。 Since 2005, BYD has kept its annual growth by an incredible 100%, and in 2008, its sales reached 200,000 units. In the first half of 2009, BYD claimed the seventh in the national car sales rankings with year-on-year growth of 176%。 However, BYD automobile 4s stores have been defecting in rapid succession after the golden auto dealer of BYD in Chengdu was reported to withdraw its networks in May, 2009, which eventually evolved into a nationwide network—quitting crisis. Moreover, BYD was involved in the layoff event in 2011 which rumored to be as high as 70%. Why is it that such numerous problems come to BYD with its sales continuing to increase? As far as I’m concerned, high density of the network coverage is able to increase its sales, yet such strategy is not the dynamic of the long-term development. When the market of a certain area saturates due to a surge of dealers and earning profits becomes difficult, the contradiction between car manufacturers and dealers is very likely to expose, which makes the defect event inevitable。 Therefore, BYD should lay more e
mphasis on the management and construction of its distribution channel along with its fast expansion, and gradually implement the regional management system. To ensure the stable operation and development of its distribution channel, effectively and rationally deploying regional markets and perfecting its dealers’ management system by mirroring the management experience of successful domestic automobile manufacturers is also needed.
Key words: BYD, distribution channel, regional management

夏治冰辞职后在微博中写道,“惭愧!这几天许多经销商朋友邀我去他们那散心。几年来,最愧对他们。由于我个人的急功近利,误导了公司及销售团队。我定的策 略对商家苛刻。我要求过高,团队压力过大后管理渠道用力太猛。伤害了经销商朋友.于此致歉!相信公司今后会善待已陪我们度过了困难期的1000经销商。"