中图分类号:U445.58+5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7988(2020)19-214-03
beltronicsTalking about the solution of metal paint rework color difference*
福建车市Wang Lei1, Xia Xiangyang2毕加索价格
(1.Department of Automotive Engineering, Shanxi Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology, Shanxi Changzhi 046000; 2.Ningbo Jirun Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ningbo 315336)
Abstract: With the rapid development of the automobile industry, people are paying more and more attention to the color of automobiles. As a large number of brightly colored vehicles are delivered to the market, the color quality of coating paint has also been greatly improved. Defects in the paint spraying process are often inevitable, and how to quickly repair and deliver to the market has become a life-saving straw to solve this problem. The biggest problem with paint repair is the repair color difference. The repair color difference is affected by factors such as the type of repair paint, the mixing ratio, the repair method, the baking conditions, and the polishing treatment. If you want to complete the repair task well, the above factors are indispensable. This article mainly discusses the chromatic aberrations that occur during the repair of common red and blue metallic paints on the market.
Keywords: Repair paint; Color difference; Mix paint ratio
汽车保险买哪家好CLC NO.: U445.58+5 Document Code: A Article ID: 1671-7988(2020)19-214-03