新cross polo1. 林肯——豪华体验的代名词(Lincoln - synonymous with luxury experiences)
2. 林肯——引领未来的豪华汽车(Lincoln - Luxury automobiles leading the way into the future)二手新奥拓
3. 林肯——提供卓越的驾驶体验(Lincoln - Delivering superior driving experiences)
4. 林肯——坚持创新的传统(Lincoln - Tradition with innovation)
5. 林肯——奢华与可靠性的完美结合(Lincoln - The perfect blend of luxury and reliability)
6. 林肯——豪华的驾驶,拥有非凡的舒适体验(Lincoln - Luxurious driving with extraordinary comfort)
7. 林肯——发现美,全新启程(Lincoln - Discover beauty, embark on a new journey)
宝马x1保养费用8. 林肯——从细节中提升品质(Lincoln - Elevating quality through detail)
9. 林肯——豪华汽车,驾驭尊贵生活(Lincoln - Luxury automobiles for a life of prestige)
10. 林肯——领先潮流,把握未来(Lincoln - Leading the way, shaping the future)宝马5系保养费用