我们信任他,因为他总是说话算话的。We believe in him because he is always true to his word. 她选择了冬天休假而不是夏天。She has opted of a winter vacation,instead of one in the summer. 在那次政治集会上,记着的数量超过了来宾。Reporters outnumbered guests at the political gathering.
尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路。they took a risk in driving on,in spite of the storm. 开车时驾驶员要把注意力集中在道路上。A driver should concentrate his attention on the road when driving,
我正在等一个很重要的电话。I am waiting for an important phone call.
我今晚不能去看电影了,因为我把票弄丢了。I can’t go to see the film tonight because I have lost my tideland.
我已经等了一个小时了,可他还是没有来。I have been waiting for an hour, but he still has’t turned up?
你今晚要与比尔见面吗?Are you meeting Bill this evening?
自从我搬到这里来就没有见过她。I haven’t seen her since I moved here.
下雨中断了我们的棒球比赛.The rain interrupted our baseball game.
我们继续?你所有的朋友都会支持你的。Shall we go on? All of your friends will stand up for you.
恶习难改。It's hard to give up the bad habit.
发泄烦恼比忍着对身体有益。To bottle up the annoyance is always better than to hold them back. 我们正好在吃晚饭,你晚些时候打过来好吗?We’re just having hinter,Can you call later?
那个小男孩恰好在睡觉。The boy is just sleeping.
你刚好错过了公共汽车。You have just finished their howe work.
铃刚响过。The bell has just rung.
孩子们相互竞争看谁先到达水池的另一头The children compete mutually looked who arrives the basin first another head
他们不顾害怕继续前进。They kept going in spite of the fears.
他希望很快实现所有目标。He hopes to achieve all his aims soon.
这样一场大雪让你联想起什么?What do you associate with such a heavy snow?
你是怎么得到这份工作的。How did you get the job.
她小时候受过很多苦。When she was a child she suffered a lot.
那时我们有些人还是学生。At that time, some of us still a student.
苏珊刚才进来过。Susan came in just now.
那时我们违背了自己的诺言。Then we broke my promise.
城外的公路有一段陡坡。There is a steep climb on the road out of town.
他在狭窄的小厨房里为自己做饭烧菜。He cooked of himself in the cramped kitchen.
他们的老师住在高层公寓大楼里。Their teachers live in a high-rise apartment building.
我的房子的后街不是很安全。The backstreet of my house is not safe.
他住在广东郊区,但在城里工作。He lives in the suburbs of Guangzhou, but he works in the city Centre.
.房间里堆满了破烂。The room is filled with loads of junk.
这个地区有丰富的煤。There is plenty of cool in this area.
她在城里有几个朋友。She has several friends in the town.
我有几件事情要办。I have a couple of things to do.
她不得不面对这么多压力。She has to face so much stress.
所有人都聚集在玛丽的家里。All the people assembled at Marie's house.
从理论上来讲,有三种可能性。Theoretically speaking, there are three possibilities.
他们翻了所有的抽屉里查那份遗失的文件。They rummaged all the drawers to find the missing file.
从他的所作所为可以看出他相当自私。As can be seen from his the doings he is rather selfish. 老师们很喜欢他。Teachers liked him.
我希望玻璃杯足够每位客人使用。I hope every guest use glass enough.
他们发现那些梯子不够长,够不着被火围困的人。They found that the ladder is not long enough, can't reach the trapped by the fire.
活到一百岁的人很少。Few people live one hundred years.
我几乎没听懂他的演讲。I understand little of his speech.
他写了很多书,但我只看过几本。He wrote many books, but I've only seen a few of the.
她有一点钱,十磅左右。She had a little money, about ten pounds.
我们在人中拥挤着穿行。We crowded around in through the crowd.
他穿上大衣向门口走去。He put on his coat and went to the door.
她的眼睛在恳求回答。Her eyes are begging for an answer.
在这一地区总有意想不到的事情发生。There are always unexpected things happen in this area. 他抱起孩子,让她骑在自己的肩膀上。He picked up the child, and put her on his shoulders.
如果天气晴朗,我们可以看到远处山丘的轮廓。We could see the profile of a distant hill in sunny/clear weather.
你还是早晨来更好。You may come ,preferably,in the morning.
前几天我有过非常奇怪的经历,I had rather an old experience the other day.
他沉醉于自己的成功之中。He is obsessed with his own success.
我们有一些相同之处。We have something in common.
她告诉孩子们不要把房间弄脏。She told children not mess up the room.
农民们正在挑选大个的苹果。The farmers are sorting out the bigger apples.
他告诉制片人他将就文学著作版权提起诉讼。He told the producer that he would sue over the literary property.
每个人都会不时地犯错误。Everyone may make mistakes at tins
你应该注意身体。You should pay attention to the body.
你一定要记住今晚去医院。You must remember to go to the hospital tonight.
你为什么不乘船去呢?Why don't you go to?
他们不得酒后开车。They shall not drink and drive.
如果我是你,我会对她更严格一些。If I were you, I will be more strict to her.
我的头疼和工作压力有关吗?Headache and working pressure on me?
这种胶囊对你的忧郁症有奇效。This capsule is effective for your depression.
张小生病时,刘先生代理组长。Miss Zhang was ill, Mr. Liu deputy leader.
我的车能载四个人。My car can carry four people.
吉姆是个诗人也是个歌手。Jim is a poet, is also a singer.
学好英语对学生来说是很重要的。It is important for students to learn English well.
请给她一张写字纸。Please give her a piece of paper to write.
我希望成为一名工程师。I want to be an engineer.
你能帮我搬这个重箱子吗?Can you help me with this heavy box?
他停下来休息。He stopped to have a rest.
吸烟会致癌。Smoking may cause cancer.
从早到晚开车是很累的。From morning till night driving is very tired.
你喜欢教书吗?Do you like to teach?
我不想去看电影。I don't want to go to the movies.
他昨天买了台洗衣机。He bought a washing machine last.
他正使劲把钉子从板子里拔出来。He was trying hard to pull out the nail from the board.
恐怕你得做阑尾炎手术。I'm afraid you'll have to do appendicitis operation.
她朋友离她而去,是她痛苦万分。Her friends away from her, she is very painful.
家长们指责公司滥用广告误导儿童。Parents accuse companies of using advertising to mislead children.
他处于昏迷状态,靠人工呼吸机维持生命。He's in a coma, on a life support machine
当她得知自己要成为外祖母时非常吃惊。She was shocked to learn that she was going to be a grandmother.
你们为什么要用死来恐吓她?Why should you threaten her with death?
社交聚会的礼服不适合体育赛事时穿。A dress in inappropriate for sports events.
他很生气,向在场的所有人吼叫。He was so angry that he shouted at everyone present.
汽车驾驶教程我们总是把质量放在首位。We always put quality in the first place.
那个外国人问我车站在什么地方。The foreigner asked me station in what place.
请你问问他们是否去过博物馆。Would you please ask them if they have been to the museum. 请告诉我你昨天为什么迟到。Please tell me why were you late yesterday.
我不知道这是谁的眼镜。I don't know who it's glasses.
谁知道这场车祸是怎么发生的?Who know that this accident happened?
你现在说的跟过去说的相去甚远。What you say now past and gone.
要对所有有争议的问题持开放的态度。Be open to all controversial issue.
我听到那个消息感到震惊。I was shocked to hear that news.
由于这个原因,我们不知道最早期的画家的名字。For this reason, we do not know the earliest painter's name.
他们整天看电视盒影碟,用沙发迷来形容这些人是很贴切的。They watch TV box DVD all day, the sofa for the fans to describe these people is very appropriate.
他父亲去世已有二十年了。His father died twenty years.
你在这里住了十多年了,而从我出生就一直住在这里。You have lived here for more than ten years, and have lived here since I was born.
1979年以来我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。Since 1979, my hometown has taken place great changes.
电影放映已经十分钟了。The film is ten minutes.
事故是前天发生的。The accident happened the day before.
讲授历史不应局限在年代和人物。Teaching history should not be limited in time and figures. 我与所有的老朋友都失去了联系。I and all the old friends.
她的工作与环境保护有关。Her work related to environmental protection.
他无法胜任这项工作。He is not competent for this job.
他们迫不及待地想开始。They were unable to hold oneself back to start.
你到过香港吗?Have you ever been to Hongkong?
你认识她多久了?How long have you known her?
他几个月没打扫这个房间了。He failed for months to clean the room.
几个月以来孩子们一直在盼望着这个节日。For several months the children have been looking forward to this festival.
你都站了两个小时了,不累吗?You are standing in two hours, not tired?
他由妻子陪同旅行。He was accompanied on his travels by his wife.
在深背景下那种字体十分醒目。On a dark background that font is very eye-catching.
我们的工作人员会竭尽全力使您访问愉快。Our staff will strain every nerve to make you stay. 士兵就得服从命令。Soldiers have to obey orders.
每场比赛约一小时。Each game lasts about an hour.
他们强迫我们再把它写出来。They forced us to re write it out.
我为了一个约会而被迫等了两个小时。I for a date but was forced to wait two hours.
我要出去,但我爸爸不让我去。I want to go, but my father would not let me go.
她不许她的孩子在河边玩。She doesn't let her children play by the river.
11点以后不允许我待在外面。After 11, don't allow me to stay out.
敌军撤退了。The enemy retreated.
这部电影的故事情节太简单了。The plot of the movie is too simple.
这是个动人的故事。This is a moving story.
谁创作了这部歌剧?Who wrote the opera?
她宁愿当演员,不愿当导演。She prefers to act, rather than direct.
这本书的故事编排得很好。The book's story arrangement well.
我去过那里很多次了。I have been there many times.
工作按时完成且未超出预算。The work was finished on time and within budget.
在许多国家里,都有这种情况。In many countries, have this condition.
肯定会有某种解释吧。There will certainly be some explanation.
几乎一整天,人们都涌进了各条大街。Almost all day, people poured into the streets.
她们妹俩老是争宠。The sisters always rivalry.
那就是你能想出来的最好借口吗?It is the best excuse you can come up with?
有请我们的下一位参赛者。Please welcome our next contestant.
他获得最佳演员奖提名。He won the best actor award nomination.
我们实验正在做一项有趣的实验。Our experiment is to do an interesting experiment.
病人正由他照顾着。The patient is taken care of by his sister.
这件事将来是要查明的。This matter will be looked into in the future.
六点钟宣布结果。Six o'clock announced results.
太空船将于明天发射。The spacecraft will be launched tomorrow.