小汽车[xiǎo qì chē]
donkey engine ; sedan ; sedan car ; car
网 络car;MINI CAR;the cars;cars
We all bundled into the tiny car.
They've got two cars.
The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.
The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance.
A new type of car is on the market now.
He placed an order for cars with the company.
The car was caught between two trucks.
Will this small car negotiate that steep hill?
I saw a collision of a bus with a car.
1. Yesterday he went off to buy himself a brand-new car. 昨天他去给自己买了一辆崭新的小汽车。
2. She watched the frantic flow of cars and buses along the street. 她注视着街上小汽车和巴士汇成的滚滚车流。
3. She stood watching the car's tail-lights disappear down the drive. 她站在那儿,望着小汽车的尾灯消失在车道尽头。
4. They arrived by car. 他们是坐小汽车来的。
5. I want my car this colour. 我希望我的小汽车是这种颜的。
6. The car collided with a stationary vehicle. 小汽车撞到一辆停着的车上。
7. a car towing a trailer with a boat on it 拖着一辆载有小船的拖车的小汽车
8. a zippy little car 飞快的小汽车
9. The gate isn't wide enough to get the car through. 这大门不够宽,小汽车进不去.
10. I do not think it advisable to park our car here. 我认为将我们的小汽车停放在此处是不妥当的.
11. They managed to pack eleven people into the car. 他们设法让11个人挤进了小汽车.
12. The bus drew in and let the cars pass. 公共汽车开到路边让小汽车过去.
13. The two cars drew too near together, and crashed. 这两辆小汽车靠得太近, 所以相撞了.
14. The crane uplifted the car and moved it to a safer place. 吊车吊起小汽车放到安全的地
15. A car flashed its headlights at me. 一辆小汽车向我晃了晃前灯.
16. Cars and trolleys filled the street. 小汽车和有轨电车挤满了街道.
17. That car cost me a packet. 那辆小汽车花了我一大笔钱.
18. One car in ten sold was a diesel. 销售的小汽车中有十分之一是柴油车.
19. The boss assigned his car to his creditor. 那工头把自己的小汽车让与了债权人.
20. The small car weaved through the traffic. 小汽车在行人和车辆中迂回前进.