宝马中国    床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。
    The bright moonlight before my bed, I guess it is frost on the ground. Looking up to the moon so bright, Low in my head I think of home tonight.
    The wind is strong and high, the monkeys howl. The beach is clear and the birds fly back. The endless falling trees rustle down, The Yangtze River comes rolling on and on.
    The east wind scatters a thousand trees of flowers at night, Blowing down more, stars falling like rain. A horse-drawn carriage with a carved jade and a full fragrance, The sound of the phoenix flute moves, The jade pot glows and the fish and dragon dance all night.
    Have you not seen that the waters of the Yellow River come from the sky, Rushing down to the sea, never to return? Have you not seen in the bright hall's clear mirror How grief turns the hair white: In the morning, green silk; In the evening, snow. When one's will is at its height, one must enjoy it to the full, Do not let the golden wine cup be empty when you face the moon.