我是 liz,来自 JI,我的工作职位是高级座椅系统设计师,在过去 3 年,负责 xx 大众新 PL 和FB 座椅研发,主要是进行座椅优化和国产化工作,使用CATIA 等软件。主要工作任务是:CAD 工作,编制EBOM,工程更改申请与发放,维护和更新开口问题清单,并跟进解决。跟踪零件样品试制,跟踪测试,直到批量生产。在过去的 6 年中,我得到了足够的训练和提升,诸如CAD 工作技能,研发流程,汽车部件和座椅系统知识,熟悉汽车制造,设计准则和规范,学习如何与客户和供应商沟通与合作。
I’m liz, From JI, my job tile is senior seat system designer, In past 3 years, Responsible for Xx Volkswagen New PL and FB seat R&D. Carry on optimization and localization of seat structure with CATIA V5. Main tasks are: CAD work; Make EBOM / DVP; Engineering change requisition and release; Keep and update Open Issue List and follow up of solving; follow-up of prototype building; follow-up of testing, until SOP. in the past 6 years,I have got plenty of practice and promotion such as CAD work skills, R&D procedure, knowledge of automobile parts and seat system, know well automobile manufacturing, design guideline and specificati
on and learned how to communicate and cooperate with the customer and supplier.
实际上,关于我的辞职,可能二个原因,一是我想要改变工作环境,想获得更广泛的座椅技术经验。在 JI,大多数情况下,我们关注整椅的性能,如外观,舒适性,装配,它对座椅骨架设计研究不深,另一个原因是:我在辞职以后,参加了英语口语培训班,在 JI,工作太繁忙了,以至于不能花一点点时间去提高我的英语技能,但是英语对我的事业是非常重要,因此,现在我才开始工作。
In fact, about my resignation, maybe two reasons, One is that I want to change working atmosphere for wider experience about seat technology. In JI mostly, We just concern about the complete seat performance such as appearance, comfort, assembly, it is not deatail about seat structure R&D, the other reason is that I take a spoken english training course after my resignation. In JI, I’m too busy to spent little time in imporving my english skills, But english is very important for my career. So now I start with my job searching. 
首先我喜欢设计工作,其次我非常适合你们,我过去 6 年积累的业务能力和知识经验可以帮助我很快地适应br 的产品开发。我可以出的完成设计过程中的很多工作,比如熟练使用 CATIA 进行结构设计;准确完成 EBOM,DVP 的编制以及校核;熟悉 CHEEKLIST 和 CHECKSHEET 的审核;能够独立分析解决工程问题,完成 A3 报告;能够总结经验教训;熟悉工作流程和设计规范。这些都是作为一个出工程师必须具备的技能。
Fist I like designing, second I am qulified for seat system designer, I will adapt br design working very quickly with my six years work skills and knowledge experience. I can accomplish many job perfectly, such as design structure with catia, compile and review DVP, familiar with checklist and checksheet, solve open issue and finish A3 report independently, collect lesson learn, familiar with work flow and design guideline. All above is thorough abilities for a qulification seat system designer.
首先,我喜欢汽车,当然也喜欢在汽车行业工作。其次,BR 是世界著名的汽车零部件供应商之一。它的车门系统和座椅系统特别出名。每四台车当中,就有一台应用了BR 的产品,
它为宝马、奔驰、奥迪、大众提供产品解决方案。为br 工作一定会很自豪。第三,我从事的是设计工作,我希望凭借自己的智慧和努力,为公司创造效益,为自己赢得提升。
First, l like the car, of cause I like working for the automotive industry. Second, br is one of the famous leading supplier in the world, as well known, its door system and seating system appilied worldwide, every one fourth car is equiped with borse product. It provide product solution to BMW, bens, audi, and VW. Everyone think it is pround to working for BR. Third, I am working as a designer, I want to make profit and progress for the company and win promotion and happiness for myself with my intelligence and hardworking.
Difficulty in working is common and inevitable, if you have strong willpower, good cooperation and detailed preparation, you will overcome any difficulty.
You know,not fluent spoken english is my big shortcoming now,but I am tring my best to practice and improve it, I believe that I will do good job with great facility quikly
还在我刚刚加入JI 的时候,不会做工作计划,时间到了,有些工作还没有完成。不过现在我已经完全改掉了这个缺点。现在我很喜欢做工作计划,这样能及时发现潜在的问题和风险,使一切工作可控制,对于大的风险问题可以及早寻求支持解决,避免被动。
Early when I joined JI, I can’t make action plan, I didn’t finish the job with the deadline.but now I have changed that, I like making action plan now, action plan can help me find potential problem and risk, make everything under control, we can quest support to shoot big risk problem in time avoiding passivity.
8、如果我们录取你,你将怎样开展工作? 首先听取领导的指示和要求,然后对公司的情况进行了解和熟悉,接下来制定一份近期的工作计划并报领导批准,最后根据计划开展工作。
First, I will consider the instrution and requirements from our manager, then find out and familiar with the situation of the company, next make a shortterm working plan to the manager for approval, I will start my job according to the action plan.
Short-term, I will do my duty to accumulate skills, assume more important work step by step and play a bigger part in working. Long term, I hope do some technical management, sovle problem with a higher vison and make my big value.
业务能力及学习能力强 strong work skill and study ability.