1. Initial Consultation: Meet with the customer to discuss their goals, budget, and timeline.
2. Design and Planning: Develop a detailed design plan that includes all aspects of the build.
3. Part Procurement: Order and receive all necessary parts and materials.
4. Teardown: Remove all components necessary for the installation of new parts.
5. Fabrication: Create and install any custom parts or modifications.
6. Mechanical Installation: Install all mechanical components, including engine, transmission, suspension, and brakes.
7. Electrical Installation: Install all electrical components, including wiring, lights, and audio system.
8. Bodywork: Perform any bodywork modifications or repairs, such as painting or panel replacement.
9. Detailing: Clean and detail the vehicle to ensure its presentation is impeccable.
10. Quality Control: Inspect and test the vehicle to ensure it meets all safety and performance standards.
改装车出售 11. Final Delivery: Hand over the keys to the customer and provide them with instructions on the use and maintenance of the modified vehicle.
1. 初始咨询,会见客户,讨论其目标、预算和时间表。
2. 设计和规划,制定详细的设计计划,包括构建的所有方面。
3. 零件采购,订购并接收所有必要的零件和材料。
4. 拆卸,拆卸安装新零件所需的所有部件。
5. 制作,创建并安装所有定制零件或改装件。
6. 机械安装,安装所有机械部件,包括发动机、变速箱、悬架和制动器。
7. 电气安装,安装所有电气部件,包括布线、灯光和音响系统。
8. 车身改装,执行车身改装或维修,例如喷漆或更换面板。
9. 细节处理,清洁和详细处理车辆,以确保其呈现完美。
10. 质量控制,检查和测试车辆,以确保其符合所有安全和性能标准。
11. 最终交付,将钥匙交给客户,并向他们提供改装车辆的使用和维护说明。