题    目:  基于单片机的交通灯设计 
系    别:      通信与信息工程系     
姓    名:      孙绪坤             
指导教师:      伊学军             

摘  要:

In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, a micro electronic technology, computer technology and communication technology as the forerunner of the information revolution is booming。 Computer technology, as one of the three, how to co
世界上先有红绿灯还是先有汽车mbine with practical application more effectively and play its role. Single chip microcomputer as a branch of computer technology is constantly applied to the real life, while driving the traditional control detection update. Single chip microcomputer as a branch of computer technology is constantly applied to the real life, while driving the traditional control detection update. In real—time detection and automatic control of the application system, the microcontroller is often used as a core component, according to the specific characteristics of the application object, with other devices to improve。