Summary of E60 training plan
Dear training colleague,
This training plan is very comprehensive. It reflects the many new developments introduced to the E60 by the BMW Group.
These new developments can of course be presented much more effectively if they are taught as part of a detailed technical training programme with the active participation of seminar participants.
Y our first introductory training is primarily designed to provide the most important service know-how in as short a period of time as possible. There is often less time available than is necessary to implement this plan.
For this reason, we have divided the training topics into two categories, based on their importance.
These categories include:
A)A list of the completely new components with the scope of their functions, the number of the appro-
priate training section (Sec.) from the detailed Trainer's Guide and the relevant learning objectives. B)The components/functions which had already been fitted in the predecessor models, but which have
雪铁龙 世嘉
been modified/improved. These are only briefly described in the presentation of the entire system structure. These are also listed showing the Sec. number and the learning objectives.
Y ou can use this information to compile your own training plan depending on the market requirements.
In future E60 seminars which you will of course also be running after the introductory phase, you should then implement detailed training plans for the individual modules to achieve effective training.
We wish you
every success
A)Completely new components/scope of functions
(comprehensive information)
Scheduled time:120mins.
Components/scope of
functions Sec.
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Learning objectives
1.Multi-audio system controller
小车倒桩技巧pages 4-8
-The participants will be familiar with the
variants and functional methods of the
-The participants are familiar with functions
of the M-ASK in the MOST network
(system network).
-The participants will be able to operate the
-The participants will be familiar with the
advantages of the M-ASK.
-The participants will be able to carry out
diagnostic work.
2.MOST distributor2PowerPoint
page 17-The participants know for which
equipment specifications the MOST
distributor is fitted.
-The participants will be familiar with the function of the MOST distributor and its effects on repairs and retrofitting.
-The participants will be able to carry out diagnostic work.
3.Telematic control unit (TCU)4PowerPoint
pages 15-16-The participants will be able to operate the telephone and will be familiar with the new functions (e.g. dual-band)
-The participants will be familiar with the new technical specifications of the TCU
(e.g. 2 watt output power; Bluetooth
connection of cordless handset)
-The participants will be able to carry out diagnostic work.
B)Developments to known components/functions
(brief summary in system context)
Components/scope of
functions Sec.
T ranspar-
Learning objectives
1.Multi-audio system controller
(M-ASK)2-The participants will be able to operate the
information and communication systems
using the iDrive system.
E60 Information/communication Block 1  Sec. 1-5
T otal material
The standard material requirements can be clearly seen from the standard list of materials.
The material requirements for the relevant training can be clearly seen from the E60 Information and Communication list of materials.
List of materials Standard
List of participants
-Data projector with PC
-Presentation material
•Complete presentation kit
•Approx. 3 presentation boards
•Paper for posters
-Pin board
-Sufficient writing pads (four-hole) and pens for all participants
-List of participants
-Name cards (possibly with names already marked on)
DISplus or Group Tester One
-Tools for two work bays
-  1 up to date TIS CD
-  1 up to date DIS CD
-Certificate of attendance at the seminar with number of participants