进口 Entrance
出口 Exit
紧急出口 Emergency Exit
拉 Pull
推 Push
停车场 Parking (Lot)
停车位 Parking Space
电梯 Elevator/Lift
自动扶梯 Escalator
前台 Reception
顾客服务中心 Customer Service Center
问讯处 Enquiry / Information
当心脚下;当心台阶 Mind/Watch Your Step
小心碰头 Mind your Head
小心地滑 CAUTION/Wet Floor
注意安全,请勿靠近 CAUTION/Keep Away
欢迎光临 Welcome
谢谢合作 Thank you for Your Cooperation
失物招领 Lost & Found
请勿践踏草坪 Please Keep off the Grass
请勿喧哗 Please Keep Quite
请勿使用手机 Please Keep Your Mobile Phone Switched off
请勿吸烟 Thank You for Not Smoking
请勿触碰 Please Do Not Touch
请勿打扰 Please Do Not Disturb
请勿倚靠车门 Please Do Not Lean on Door
请勿遗忘随身物品 Please Do Not Leave Your Belongings Behind
不得乱扔垃圾 No Littering
不得随地吐痰 No Spitting
不准带入食物和饮料 No Food or Drinks Inside
未成年人不得入内 Adults Only
禁止吸烟 No Smoking
禁止跨越 No Crossing
禁止手扶 No Holding
禁止车辆停留 No Stopping
禁止泊车 No Parking
禁止摄影 No Photography/No photo
禁止使用闪光灯 No Flash
禁止入内 No Admittance / No Entry
非机动车禁止入内 Motor Vehicles Only
严禁通行Access Prohibited
严禁烟火 Smoking or Open Flames Prohibited
严禁携带、燃放烟花爆竹Fireworks Explosive
严禁携带、易燃、易爆有毒等违禁品 Flammable, Explosive, Poisonous and Other Illegal Articles Strictly Prohibited进口标志
员工专用 Staff Only
紧急救护电话:120  Ambulance:120
紧急救助电话:110  Emergency :110
电话亭  Telephone Booth
应急电话   Emergency Telephone
投诉热线  Complaints Hotline
邮政服务  Postal Service
火情警报  Fire Alarm
灭火器   Fire Extinguisher
此路不通 No Through Road/Road End
应急避难场所  Emergency Shelter
消火栓   Fire Hydrant
消防通道  Fire lane
洗手间 Toilet / rest room
男厕所 Men/Gents
女厕所 Women/Ladies
有人:使用中  Occupied
无人:未使用  Vacant
垃圾桶  Rubbish
请节约用水 Please Conserve Water
请在黄线外等候 Please Wait Behind the Yellow Line
请爱护公共设施 Please Show Respect for Public Property
请爱护古迹 Please Show Respect for Historic Site
请看管好您的小孩 Please Do Not Leave Your Child Unattended
请随手关灯 Turn off Lights Before You leave
随手关门 Close the door Behind You
便后请冲洗 Flush After Use
紧急出口,保持通畅 Emergency Exit/Keep Clear
请靠右站立 Keep Right
请绕行 Detour
必须戴安全帽 Head Protection Must Be Worn
必须系安全带 Seat Belt Must Be Fastened
安全须知 Safety Instructions
安全检查 Security Check
工作时间 Office Hours/Business Hours
残疾人厕所 Accessible Toilet/Disabled Only
急救室;急救中心 Emergency(Center)/First Aid(Center)
无障碍设施 Wheelchair Accessible
老弱病残孕专座 Priority Seating/Courtesy Seat(s)
限乘人数  Maximum Capacity
限制重量  Maximum Weight
开水间 Hot Water Room
禁烟区 Non-Smoking Area
公告栏;留言板 Bulletin Board/Message Board
游客须知 Park Rules and Regulations
您所在的位置 You are Here
收银台;结账处  Cashier
价目表  Price List
意见箱  Suggestions & Complaints(Box)
收费标准  Rates
自动售货机  Vending Machine
饮用水  Drinking Water
非饮用水 Not for Drinking
二十四小时营业  24-Hour Service
暂停服务;临时关闭 Temporarily Closed