    ## English Answer.
    Parking Space Dimensions for Two-Wheeled Electric Vehicles.电动车标准
    The parking space dimensions for two-wheeled electric vehicles vary depending on the specific regulations and guidelines in different jurisdictions. However, there are some general standards that are commonly followed:
    Length: The length of a parking space for a two-wheeled electric vehicle typically ranges from 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters). This allows for sufficient space for the vehicle to be parked without encroaching on adjacent spaces.
    Width: The width of a parking space for a two-wheeled electric vehicle typically ranges from 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters). This provides ample space for the rider to dismount and walk around the vehicle without having to squeeze through narrow gaps.
    Height: The height of a parking space for a two-wheeled electric vehicle is typically not specified, as these vehicles are generally low-profile and can fit under most standard parking structures.
    In addition to these general dimensions, there are also specific requirements for parking spaces designated for electric vehicles. These requirements may include:
    Charging stations: Parking spaces for electric vehicles may be equipped with charging stations to allow for convenient charging while parked.
    Accessible parking: A certain percentage of parking spaces in public areas may be designated as accessible parking for individuals with disabilities. These spaces may have wider aisles and ramps to accommodate wheelchairs and other mobility devices.
    It is important to note that these standards may vary depending on local regulations and guidelines. It is always advisable to check with the local authorities for the specific requirements in your area.
    ## 中文回答:
    长度,两轮电动车停车位的长度通常在 6 至 8 英尺(1.8 至 2.4 米)之间。这提供了足够的空间,让车辆可以停放而不侵占相邻空间。
    宽度,两轮电动车停车位的宽度通常在 3 至 4 英尺(0.9 至 1.2 米)之间。这为骑行者提供了充足的空间,可以下车并在车辆周围走动,而无需穿过狭窄的缝隙。