Interpretation trademark logo, trademark design descriptions or design ideas, its design is the designer of the map drafters of the letter explained. It is often said that good design must have a good note, esp
ecially for "enrichment" Design Art -- trademark signs, "Note" appear to be more important. Good note, not only accurate, concise and comprehensive to reflect the designers and their works of intent and meaning, and must writes fluent, Words lin, just by virtue of the dozens of words or a few hundred words of introduction, so that the clients and readers quickly recognized emblems and resonate, therefore explained in cultural terms is very significant role.
Brand enterprises usually have their own interpretation of the terms used, they relate to business philosophy, industry characteristics, design terminology, aesthetics, auspicious terms, etc.. If these terms organic mix or draw play to be used, you will not be anxious write a good paper explained.
Common terms :
1, trademarks, symbols, emblems, factory standard, emblem, logo
2, ideas and thinking, philosophy, spirit, faith, creed, goals, objectives, purposes, principles, the nature and mission of the Declaration
3, ideas, significance, intentions, moods and meaning implies, provides, hint, meaning, imagery, meaning, mean that the concept of meaning, interpretation, that implied, metaphors, allude to the depu
ties and said, symbolic expression, reflection, analogy and connotation, Lenovo, highlighted contains revealed, the impression that, and reflect, communicate, display, meaning
4, design, art, tactics, positioning, fixed, creativity, vision, composition, shape, form, image, form, structure, characteristics, posture, evolution theory, elements, modules, and even characters, words, the abstract and representational, pictographic, graphics, pictures, logos, symbols, realism, deformation, comic books, the mascot, text, graphics pure, Graphic combination of Chinese characters portfolio, digital portfolio, the combination of symbols, images, shape, round, squar
e, triangle, linear, oblique line, curve, curve, geometric shape, form is negative form, conformal, the sharing of shape, overall, and local entities, the imaginary body, the Yin and Yang, point, line, surface, black and white, and reconsidering contrast, reconcile, rhythm-oriented, breakthroughs, symmetry, balance, balance, contrast, use, duplication, variation, visual, connectivity, belts, decorative, three-dimensional, plane, space, launch, with dynamic, undulating texture, permeability Permian, rotation, overlapping, to give, in contrast, the opposite, separation, the plot sets, joint, cohesion, outsourcing, echoes, the canvas, color, Standard color, color support, warm, cold, hue, saturation, brightness, color contrast, the neighboring color, the standard characters, the basic shape
5, aesthetics, beauty, smooth, formal, rigorous, Encounters, which are combined portfolio, and with that level, complete, accurate, clear and distinctive features, characteristics, unique, style, character, personality and uninhibited, elegant, philosophy, style, outlook, values, emotions, themes, melody, psychological, and associative resonance, harmony, appropriate, in the main, simple, kindly to be as brief, exquisite, ruggedness, noble, taste, and strong, magnificent, beautiful, strong and powerful, visual effect, exaggerations, giving through T, complementary, interdependent, and that age, layout, building, the initials, the media, transmission, information, visual impact, aspirations, ideas, and subject, material, emotional, rational, intellectual, human nature, character, commonness, originality, logic, of the irrational, intuitive and authority, the typical, simple, clear, artistic, Decorative, identification, marking, standard, accuracy, applicability, practicality
6, the corporate image, corporate identity, CI strategy, CI system, philosophy identification, behavior recognition, visual recognition, culture, products, operations, marketing, planning, advertising, public relations, brand, brand name, high-grade, consumers, service, first-class, affection, trust, loyalty, honesty, solidarity, cooperation, communication, development, exploration, innovation, dedication and contribution to the growth, size, a strong, enlightened and progressive leap, efficient, high-quality, high-yield, synergies, entrepreneurship, efficiency, truth-seeking, pragmatic, honor, credit, security and strug
gle forward, to take off, perseverance and health, the eternal, vitality, love, warmth, love, cleanliness, quality, image, merchandise, sales, competitiveness, development, leadership, research, creativity, affinity groups, pluralism, more wrestling, diversification, specialization, market-oriented, humanistic, leisure, Urban, rural type and commercialized Serialization and popularization.
7, contemporary, traditional sense, a sense of charm, intimacy, trust, friendliness, a sense of hope, sense of justice and a sense of comfort. a sense of stability and a sense of wa
rmth and strong sense of a solid sense of responsibility and a sense of uncertainty, lively sense of a sense of movement and rhythm, Ming Arizona, jump buzz, legal buzz, along with a unique sense, the High flu.
8, international, regional, social, ethnic, the public, the nature of the times, modern, traditional, urban, transcendence, the future and progress, fine, progressive nature of creativity, excellence, strength, clarity, lively, sensitive, bright, modest, compatibility, health, and to life, modern, stability, honesty, coordination, unique, and directional, professional, technical, benchmarks, interesting, emotional, growth.
Mark the origins can be traced back to ancient times the "totem." At that time, each clan and tribe have
a choice and that they have a special relationship to the mysterious animals or natural phenomena as the clan or Tribal special markers (called Totem). Nuwa clan as a totem of the snake, Yu Huang to the ancestors of the Bear Totem, and the sun, moon and crows for Totem. It will be the first totem carved in the caves living and working tools later, the war and ritual as a symbol and become national flag national emblem. State produced, but it turns into the national flag, national emblem.
Ancient people in the production of labor and social life, to facilitate communication, marking significance of the types of things different characteristics and attribution continuously create and widespread use of various types of markings such as signs, the village superscript, Beiya, seal armorial other. Broadly speaking, these are signs. In ancient Egypt have found graves marked with the pattern of most of the containers manufacturer
  1. 文字的可读性:   
  2. 赋予文字个性:   
  文字的设计要服从于作品的风格特征。文字的设计不能和整个作品的风格特征相脱离,更不能相冲突,否则,就会破坏文字的诉求效果。 一般说来,文字的个性大约可以分为以下几种:   
(1) 端庄秀丽。这一类字体优美清新,格调高雅,华丽高贵。
(2) 坚固挺拔。字体造型富于力度,简洁爽朗,现代感强, 有很强的视觉冲击力。
(3) 深沉厚重。字体造型规整,具有重量感,庄严雄伟,不可动摇。
(4) 欢快轻盈。字体生动活泼, 跳跃明快, 节奏感和韵律感都很强, 给人一种生机盎然的感受。
(5) 苍劲古朴。这类字体朴素无华, 饱含古韵, 能给人一种对逝去时光的回味体验。
(6) 新颖独特。字体的造型奇妙,不同一般,个性非常突出,给人的印象独特而新颖。