    Transformers: Rescue Bots is an American animated television series created by Hasbro Studios and Boulder Media Limited. The series premiered on August 18, 2012, on The Hub, and is the ninth installment in the Transformers franchise. The series follows the adventures of the Rescue Bots, a team of four Autobots who are sent to Earth to help protect humans and the environment. The Rescue Bots are led by Optimus Prime, and the team consists of Bumblebee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, and Heatwave. The series has been praised for its positive messages about teamwork, friendship, and helping others, and has been nominated for several awards, including a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Animated Program.
    The Rescue Bots are a team of four Autobots who are sent to Earth to help protect humans and the environment. The team is led by Optimus Prime, and the other members are Bumblebee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, and Heatwave. The Rescue Bots are equipped with a variety
of gadgets and weapons to help them in their mission, and they are always ready to help those in need.
汽车节目    The Rescue Bots have a strong sense of teamwork and friendship, and they are always willing to help each other out. They are also very brave and courageous, and they are always willing to put their lives on the line to protect others. The Rescue Bots are a valuable asset to the Autobots, and they are always ready to answer the call to duty.