  housewife; housewives; materfamilias
  She seemed less like a poetess than a distracted housewife.
  She's a bad housewife.
  She was surrounded by doctors, lawyers, housewives — people, in short, like herself.
  I was a stay-at-home mum until 1980 when my husband lost his job.
  House Wife
  一些英文资料(转) ... golf cap高尔夫帽 home maker = house wife家庭主妇 career woman职业妇女 ...
  housewife n
  a (an) art ... house n. 房子;住宅 housewife n. 家庭主妇 housework n. 家务劳动 ...
  1. 妇女从家庭主妇到商务人士写了伤感的77个故事简短说明了面对逆境。
  Women ranging from housewives to business professionals contributed 77 brief and sentimental stories that illustrate pluckiness in the face of adversity.
  2. 作为一个妻子,母亲及家庭主妇,我生活的非常幸福,因此尽管这么多年过去了,我也从未后悔过当初的决定。
  As a wife, mother and materfamilias, i lived with great eudaemonia, therefore so many years had gone by, I never regertto have made the decision.
  3. 你如果有专任的工作,可能会很困难当无微不至的家庭主妇。
  If you have a full-time job outside the home, you may find it exceedingly difficult to be a
  4. 她看到他穿着奇怪的家庭主妇的衣服从镇上的这家酒店喝到那家酒店。
  She saw him barhopping in the Village wearing a Wonder Woman costume.
  5. 曾经受到新加坡慈济人援助的吕保璇,五年前开始投入志工行列,她努力在巴淡岛招募更多的家庭主妇,一起散播爱的种子,许多家庭主妇志工来到义诊帮忙,用心服务病患。
  Lui Pau Cen, who has once received help from Singapore Tzu Chi volunteers, became a volunteer herself five years ago. On the island of Batam, Lui has been investing a lot of effort to involve housewives to spread the message of love. Many of them can be seen at the free clinic, attentively serving patients.
  6. 每当家庭主妇们有剩余硬币可储存时,她们都会把硬币丢入其中一个黏土罐,这些罐被称为Pygg bank 或 Piggy bank。
  Whenever housewives could save an extra coin, they dropped it into one of their clay jars. They called this their pygg bank or their piggy bank.
  7. 我坐着观看家庭主妇们匆匆地进出超级市场。
  I sat watching the housewives bustle in and out of the supermarket.
  8. 一个古老的家庭主妇的故事已经可以认为是好的醋苹果酒的腰围。
  An old housewives'tale has it that cider vinegar is good for the waistline.
  9. 精通烹饪通常能增添一个家庭主妇在家政上的体面。。。。。。。
  Versing herself in cookery usually does credit to a housewife's housekeeping.家庭高尔夫
  10. 我的妈妈是一个家庭主妇。
  There are three members in my family.
  11. 但我并不想当一个家庭主妇。
  But I don`t want to be a housewife!
  12. 不,她是家庭主妇。
  B:No, she is a housewife.