马克•吐温Mark Twain
人物简介Character brief introduction
美国作家。原名塞缪尔•朗赫恩•克莱门斯。1835年11月30日 塞缪尔·朗赫恩·克莱门斯(即马克·吐温的真名)出生于密苏里州的佛罗里达。父 亲是约翰·马歇尔·克莱门斯,母亲是简·兰普顿·克莱门斯,塞缪尔是他们的第五个孩子。约翰·克莱门斯是一个低级的地方法官,收入微薄。1839年秋 全家迁居密苏里州的汉尼巴尔。1843年3月24日 塞缪尔·克莱门斯的父亲约翰·克莱门斯死于肺炎。12岁时因父亲去世辍学,开始到印刷所当学徒,稍大一点便外出活干。21岁时,对轮船上的领港员生活发生极大兴趣,决定拜师学艺。密西西比河上 4 年领港生活使他熟悉各式各样的人。这一段经历为他今后的创作提供了许多素材 。 1861年,南北战争爆发,他随哥哥去内华达;先卷入矿热潮,后去报馆工作,在这期间,马克•吐温曾经先后当过印刷所学徒、报童、排字工人、水手、淘金工人、记者等,从此开始创作生涯。1910年4月21日卒于康涅狄格州。
American writer. Samuel Lang He grace Clemence. In November 30, 1835 Samuel Lang He en Clemence ( i.e. Mark Twain's real name) was born in Missouri, florida. The father is J
ohn Marshall Clemence pro, mother was Jane Lampton Clemence, Samuel and their fifth children. John Clemence is a junior magistrate, a meagre income. The autumn of 1839 moved the family to Missouri, hannibal. In March 24, 1843 Samuel Clemence's father John Clemence died of pneumonia. At the age of 12 due to his father 's death drop, to a printer's apprentice, a slightly larger one will go out to look for a job. At the age of 21, on the ship's pilot life had great interest, decided to learn. The Mississippi River on 4 years of pilot life made him familiar with every kind of people. This experience for his future creation provides many material. In 1861, the outbreak of the civil war, with his brother to Nevada; the first involved in prospecting craze, to a newspaper, during this period, Mark Twain has worked as a printing apprentice, NEWSBOY, typesetter, seaman, mining workers, journalists, from the beginning of his career. April 21, 1910 died in connecticut.
Mark Twain is the founder of American critical realist literature, the world famous master of the short story. Mark Twain was known as" in American literature Lincoln"" most American native characteristic author". He experienced the United States from the "free" capitalism to the development of imperialism, their ideas and creativity are reflected from the light make fun of the bitter irony to be pessimistic and worldweary development stage.
名字由来 Origin of the name
他的笔名马克 • 吐温就取自船工生活:mark 是“测标”,twain为“两英寻(合12英尺)”,“测标两英寻”说明仍是安全水位。
His pseudonym, Mark Twain from the mark is life:" mark", Twain is "two fathoms (12 feet )"," mark two fathoms" remains a safe level.
主要作品Major works
 《汤姆·索亚历险记》The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  " The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a famous American novelist Mark Twain's masterpiece, was published in 1876. The hero of the novel Tom cable and lively, full of fantasy and adventure, unbearable irreducible individuality, boring life, fantasy of a hero career. The novel through the protagonist 's Adventures in the United States, false vulgar social customs, hypocritical religious and stereotyped hackneyed school education for satire and criticism, with lively tone depicts children free and lively mind. " Tom cable and adventure" with its rich and deep with local characteristics of the humor and keen observation of characters, became the greatest works of children's literature, is also one of the first American" golden age" pastorale. The book 's companion" Huckleberry" the advent
ures of Finn sawyer.
《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
" The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn " is the adventures of Mark Twain is a important works, the hero of the story is in" Tom cable and adventures" will meet with you by Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry is a clever, brave, kind-hearted white teenager. He lives in pursuit of freedom, fled to mississippi. In flight, he encountered a black slave Jim. Jim is a hard-working simple, warm and honest, keep faithful and true slave, he was the master again sold to escape the fate, fled from the host family
《百万英镑》The Million Pound Note
《百万英镑》是美国著名作家马克·吐温的小说,讲述了一个在美国街头乞讨的穷小子亨利·亚当斯在伦敦的一次奇遇。伦敦的两位富翁兄弟打赌,把一张无法兑现的百万大钞借给亨利,看他在一个月 内如何收场。一个月的期限到了,亨利不仅没有饿死或被捕,反倒成了富翁,并且赢得了一位漂亮小的爱情,在兄弟那里也获得了一份工作。文章以其略带夸张的艺术手法再现大师小说中讽刺与幽默,揭露了20世纪初英国社会的拜金主义思想。
“The Million Pound Note”is a famous American writer Mark Twain's novel, tells the story of a poor boy in the United States of America begging on the street Henry Adams in a London adventure. London two millionaires brothers bet, put a piece of broken million dollar bill to Henry, to see him in a month to end. A month time limit is up, Henry not only did not starve or arrested, had become a millionaire, and won a beautiful lady love, the brothers there get a job. The article with a slightly exaggerated artistic reproduction master fiction satire and humor, exposing the beginning of the twentieth Century British Society of money worship thoughts.
写作风格 Writing style
Melt together humor and irony, both personal wealth to the unique wit and repartee, there is no lack of profound social insight and analysis, both humor and bitter fiction masterpiece, and serious beitianminren!