The flag of the United States has 13 stripes(条形) and 50 stars.The 13 stripes stand for the original 13 colonies(殖民地) in North America.And the 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states(州).
Broad way(百老汇) is the main street of Manhattan(曼哈顿)。It is the birth place of the drama and music play in America.
New York    林肯简介Nickname:
(纽约)        The Big Apple(大苹果)
                    The City Never Sleeps(不夜城)
                    The capital of world(世界之都)
The statue of liberty 自由女神像 is the symbol of the United States.
Empire State Building
  Floor :102
United Nations Headquarters          (联合国总部)
The Pentagon(五角大楼 )is another name
for the Department of Defense(国防部). Seen from the surface of the Pentagon, it is like a spider net(蜘蛛网).
American Yellowstone national park(黄石国家公园)is very beautiful, everywhere is full of natural breath .
    The  White  House
    Hollywood(好莱坞) is famous for the classic movies.
Universal Studios Hollywood     
总统山 :Mount  Rushmore
This epic sculpture features the faces of four exalted American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. 4位总统的头像从左至右共分四排,左起第一位是华盛顿,在第一排;第二位是杰斐逊,在第二排,位于华盛顿之后;右起第一位是林肯,在第三排;右起第二位是罗斯福,在第四排.
NBA National Basketball Association. 
Golden Gate Bridge (金门桥) is one of the world-famous bridge, known as a miracle (奇迹)of modern engineering.
There are many basketball stars in the NBA, like Michael Jordan, Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian.
Chinese love, pride of the Chinese people, Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian represent the highest level of Chinese basketball. 中国人的最爱,中国人的骄傲,姚明和易建联代表中国篮球的最高水准。
Easter is usually on Sunday in late March or late April. Easter is also a symbol of rebirth and hope.